Leveraging Transparency and Privacy Through Blockchain Technology

Leveraging Transparency and Privacy Through Blockchain Technology

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 16
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1511-8.ch012
(Individual Chapters)
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Blockchain is a conveyed record innovation that can be utilized to keep exchanges in a safe and straightforward way. This makes it a promising innovation for various applications, for example inventory network the executives, monetary administrations, and medical services. One of the vital advantages of blockchain is its capacity to guarantee information consistency. This is on the grounds that all information on the blockchain is put away in a disseminated way, and every hub in the organization has a duplicate of the record. This makes it truly challenging for any one party to mess with the information. One more key advantage of blockchain is its straightforwardness. All exchanges on the blockchain are public, and anybody can see them. This can assist with building trust and straightforwardness among partners. Blockchain can likewise present difficulties regarding information security. This is on the grounds that all information on the blockchain is put away in a public record. This implies that anybody with admittance to the blockchain can see the information, including delicate data, for example individual recognizable proof numbers (PII). There are various ways of tending to the difficulties of information protection in blockchain. One methodology is to utilize encryption to safeguard delicate information. Another methodology is to utilize private blockchains, which are simply available to approved clients. The compromise between information consistency, straightforwardness, and protection is an intricate one. There is no single arrangement that will be ideal for all applications. The best methodology will rely upon the particular requirements of the application. The chapter investigates how blockchain innovation is used in different applications and enterprises, stressing its part in keeping up with information transparency and tending to security concerns.
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1. Introduction

In the contemporary era of global interconnectivity, the exchange of information significantly influences and shapes various aspects of our life. Each online purchase, medical record entry, and financial transaction contributes to a complex network of data. The advent of digital transformation has yielded notable benefits in terms of convenience and effectiveness. However, it has also raised apprehensions over the security, privacy, and transparency of our personal and sensitive data. In the context of this dynamic environment, blockchain technology has emerged as a promising solution, providing a secure, transparent, and privacy-conscious framework for the management of data and transactions.

The digital era has given rise to a form of record-keeping that not only documents transactions but also ensures their security in a manner that is resistant to tampering. These transactions are grouped together into blocks (Kosba et al., 2016) and each block is securely linked to the previous one, forming a continuous chain of records. In contrast to conventional systems that depend on centralised authorities for validation and record-keeping, blockchain operates successfully through decentralisation. The absence of a centralised authority ensures that no single entity possesses complete control over the entire network, hence mitigating vulnerabilities arising from human fallibility, cyber assaults, or misconduct. The inherent potential of blockchain technology lies in its ability to enhance transparency. In traditional systems, intermediaries and central authorities hold significant roles, yet, they may inadvertently introduce dangers. The decentralised nature of blockchain technology reduces the reliance on intermediaries.

Once a transaction is recorded on the blockchain, it becomes an enduring and transparent element, observable by all players within the network. The implementation of transparency measures serves as a deterrent against fraudulent activities and promotes confidence among participants. Nevertheless, although transparency is a prominent characteristic of blockchain technology, it also elicits apprehensions regarding the protection of privacy. In numerous contexts, particularly those pertaining to personal or sensitive information, the feasibility and desirability of complete transparency are limited. Sharing patients' medical records on a public blockchain could potentially compromise the confidentiality of such information. Likewise, the disclosure of comprehensive transaction particulars in financial transactions may compromise sensitive financial data. Therefore, the pursuit of achieving a healthy equilibrium between transparency and privacy holds significant significance. In this regard, blockchain technology presents innovative options to tackle this challenge.

The process of documenting transactions inside the blockchain technology involves linking them together in a safe manner over a computer network. This blockchain technology finds utility in various domains, including Cryptocurrency, also known as digital currency, and Smart Contracts. Smart Contracts are computer programme codes that are controlled by blockchain technology and are utilised to execute agreements or digital contracts between two parties. These contracts are saved in a blockchain database, ensuring that they cannot be altered by any individual or external entities. Consequently, the reliance on trusted intermediaries is eliminated when employing Smart Contracts. Smart contracts facilitate the execution of transactions involving monetary assets, shares, and real estate.

The emergence of blockchain technology has led to a significant demand for smart contracts due to its capacity to enhance transaction customizability. The emergence of numerous smart contract applications has been observed across various sectors, including but not limited to banking and finance, life sciences and healthcare, energy resources, and voting. Presently, numerous industries employ Smart Contracts, including the business sector for documenting financial services, the healthcare sector for recording patient health histories, and additionally the insurance and government sectors utilise Smart Contracts. Consequently, the presence of Smart Contracts proves advantageous in circumventing the need for intermediary services, thereby enhancing transaction transparency. Nevertheless, the nascent nature of smart contracts presents numerous obstacles that impede the various parties involved in its use, including consumers, developers, and the entities that rely on smart contracts as their foundation.

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