Leveraging Marketing Strategies to Help Consumers Make Decisions Using Metaverse Technologies

Leveraging Marketing Strategies to Help Consumers Make Decisions Using Metaverse Technologies

Theodore Tarnanidis, Lampros Gkiouzepas
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 14
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-4167-4.ch009
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Metaverse technologies have become ground-breaking tools, changing the way businesses interact with consumers and analyze their behavior. This research examines innovative Metaverse marketing strategies that focus on enhancing customer experiences and comprehending consumer behavior through cutting-edge technologies, platforms, and models. Businesses can create interactive and realistic experiences for their clients in a vibrant and immersive setting provided by the Metaverse. Companies can create virtual storefronts by utilizing VR and AR technologies, allowing customers to explore products and services in visually compelling ways. The chapter provides a summary of the origins of the metaverse in marketing, with further explanations about the immersive technologies employed in the creation of marketing strategies. The main trends and their implications are presented, along with a discussion of the current state of the art research in marketing, which was originally developed by the ‘father of modern marketing,' Philip Kotler.
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Metaverse Technologies And Marketing

The metaverse utilizes a range of technologies to generate immersive virtual environments and facilitate user interaction. Examples of virtual and augmented reality environments that enable users to explore and interact with virtual worlds experiences (Alabau et al., 2024). The metaverse is the place where avatars and AI agents interact with users through digital representations and virtual assistants. Through avatars, users can navigate virtual environments and express themselves, while AI agents offer help, guidance, and automation (Israfilzade, 2022).

The overall immersion and realism of the virtual environment is enhanced by the use of cloud computing technology, 3D modeling and animation, and artificial intelligence to simulate realistic behaviors. Collaborating, socializing, and engaging in virtual activities with others around the world is made possible through high-speed, low-latency networks (Seok, 2021). Together, these technologies create virtual environments that are immersive, interactive, and interconnected, and they are the foundation of the metaverse. The metaverse's capabilities and possibilities will expand as technology advances, determining the future of digital experiences and interactions.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Augmented Reality: Augmented reality (AR) is the practice of overlaying digital information, such as images, videos, or sounds, on the real world through devices.

Metaverse Marketing: Marketing strategies and initiatives conducted within virtual, interconnected, and immersive digital environments known as the metaverse. The metaverse is a collective virtual shared space, created by the convergence of virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), the internet, and other emerging technologies.

Avatars: Users' digital representations of themselves in virtual spaces are called avatars. In the metaverse and augmented reality applications, they are a crucial component of social interactions. The appearance and movements of the user can be duplicated by avatars, whether they are simple 2D images or complex 3D models.

Influencer Marketing: Strategic approach in which brands collaborate with individuals who have a significant following and influence on social media platforms to promote their products or services.

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