Leveraging Digital Platforms for Responsible Sports Tourism: Budapest's Role in the 2020 European Football Championship

Leveraging Digital Platforms for Responsible Sports Tourism: Budapest's Role in the 2020 European Football Championship

Nikolett Ágnes Tóth, Szabolcs Mátyás, Gergő József Tóth, Zoltán Bujdosó, Gábor Mátrai, Tamara Gajić, Lóránt Dénes Dávid
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 20
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-3286-3.ch009
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The goal of the study is to present the safety and security systems for sporting events, with a special focus on the theoretical and practical tools used during the 2020 European Football Championship, which are of particular importance for ensuring security. The authors have analysed the policing statistics regarding the 2020 European Football Championship and described the latest sustainable technological solutions in use, with a particular focus on artificial intelligence, drone technology, and digitalization. It was pointed out how technological development, innovation, and digitization affect the sustainable operation and activity of law, sports law, sport tourism, law enforcement and sports police.
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By the end of the 20th century sport had become a strategic sector of major importance. Sport is an extremely complex phenomenon, affecting physical education, education policy, and healthcare, and its economic and socio-political significance is also growing. Today, it is legitimate to talk of a ‘sports industry’. Sport is becoming increasingly important in domestic and foreign policy and is also a very important tool for enhancing the image of a country.

This is particularly true of football, which is the most popular team sport in the world, which presents numerous examples in sports law and sports policing, the area concerned with the security of sporting events. This study will address the issue of legal innovation and innovative solutions adopted by police organizations and the links between them, which are of particular importance for sports policing. It can be concluded that in the modern world, sporting events, being events that attract large crowds, cannot exist nor can they be organized without guaranteeing order and security. The importance of event sustainability is also very important. Sporting events, particularly football tournaments, are increasingly focusing on sustainability initiatives to minimize their environmental impact. From reducing carbon emissions to implementing recycling programs and utilizing eco-friendly materials in infrastructure, such as stadiums, there's a concerted effort to promote sustainability throughout all aspects of these events. Additionally, initiatives like promoting public transportation, encouraging fans to offset their carbon footprint, and implementing renewable energy sources contribute to a more sustainable future for sports. By integrating sustainability practices into football events, organizers aim to inspire fans and stakeholders to adopt environmentally responsible behaviors both during and beyond the games, ultimately fostering a more sustainable sporting culture worldwide. The authors referred to the phenomenon of football hooliganism and the measures taken to prevent and suppress it, during the 2016 European Football Championship, with notes of all the negative consequences of the pandemic, which later had an even stronger impact on the stalling of the 2020 European Football Championship.

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