Leveraging Big Data Analytics for Customer Experience Excellence in Metaverse

Leveraging Big Data Analytics for Customer Experience Excellence in Metaverse

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 15
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1734-1.ch010
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Customer engagement in the metaverse can be used to increase retention rates and customer loyalty. By collecting data on customer activity and preferences, businesses can personalise the user experience for each individual. This allows for a more immersive and engaging experience that keeps customers coming back. In order to keep the customers engaged, businesses need to harness the power of big data. Big data can provide insights into customer behaviour, preferences, and needs that can be used to create tailored customer experiences. By using big data to understand their customers better, businesses can create more engaging experiences that will help retain existing customers and attract new ones.
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Introduction To Big Data

Big data refers to large and complex data sets that are difficult to process using traditional data processing techniques (Elgendy & Elragal, 2014). Various sources, such as social media, e-commerce transactions, and customer interactions, typically generate these data sets. Big data has become an increasingly important tool for businesses, as it can provide valuable insights into customer behaviour and preferences.

Brands can use big data for customer personalisation in a number of ways. By analysing large data sets, brands can better understand their customers' needs and preferences and use this information to create personalised experiences that better meet their customers' expectations. One of the key ways that brands use big data for customer personalisation is by analysing customer behaviour. By tracking customer interactions and purchase history, brands can identify patterns and trends in their customers' behaviour (Campbell et al., 2020). This information can be used to create personalised recommendations and offers tailored to each customer's interests and preferences.

For example, Amazon is known for its personalised product recommendations. By analysing customer behaviour and purchase history, Amazon is able to suggest products that customers are likely to be interested in. This helps customers find what they are looking for more quickly and increases the likelihood of purchasing.

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