Leveraging AI for the Reinforcement of GHRM

Leveraging AI for the Reinforcement of GHRM

Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 13
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0418-1.ch005
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The backbone of any organization is considered its human capital and potential capabilities to lead the competitive and dynamic business environment. This research synthesizes the existing literature substantiated by documentary pieces of evidence to integrate AI and green HR practices to achieve sustainable goals. Green Human Resource Management or GHRM and Artificial Intelligence or AI have emerged to take precedence among the most crucial workplace transformation initiatives. GHRM refers to the systematic, planned alignment of typical human resource management practices with the organization's environmental goal. AI in HRM is the process of stimulating a computer's cognitive intelligence to enhance its effectiveness. This research aims to develop the conceptual framework and offer propositions as the foundation for empirical research. The research will highlight the AI augmentation to green HR practices in furthering sustainability goals. Additionally, the results of the research will be insightful for future researchers to further the literature on AI and GHRM.
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1. Introduction

The corporation is experiencing several transformations at the workplace driven by the advent of Artificial Intelligence and the increased consciousness of individuals over sustainable development. Organizations shifting from conventional work environments to adopting modern business techniques are increasingly aligning with algorithm-based AI and serving sustainable development goals (Prikshat et al., 2023). This trend of AI-HRM and GHRM is increasingly sparking the interest of researchers, academicians, and practitioners all over the world (Vrontis et al., 2021; Townsend et al., 1998; Akpan & Ibidunni;2021). The term “sustainability” has been popular in political leaders' speeches, conference agendas, print media, and other informational contexts. “Artificial intelligence” (AI here onwards) is the other buzzword of the present age which is pervasive at societal, organizational, and government levels all around the world. Anchored on the “Resource-based view” Collins and Clarks (2003), advocate the relevance of strategic advantage of utilizing the organizational capabilities (technology and human capital) to enable HR practices for achieving performance objectives. Renwick et al. (2013) in their seminal paper suggest activating human elements for successful implications of environmental management. The evolution of personal management to strategic human resource management and now sustainable human resource management (Kramar, 2014) covers the wide range of outcomes (financial, social, and environmental) crucial to organizations (Wagner, 2013). Proceeding along the same line of interest, it is interesting to study the role of AI-augmented green HR practices in influencing sustainable development.

The concept of GHRM stemmed from sustainable HRM which has emerged in the past few decades as instrumental for organizational environmental management. According to Deloitte (2022), the demand for green skills is substantially increasing to gain a competitive advantage. Wehrmeyer (1996) first time used the term “Green Human Resource Management” in the book titled Greening People: Human Resources and Environmental Management. Further defined by pioneers of the field, GHRM refers to “the systematic, planned alignment of typical human resource management practices with the organization’s environmental goal” (Jabbour,2013 pp. 147-148). Renwick et al. (2013) categorize the GHRM grounded on the A-M-O theory and illustrate its role in sustainability. The central idea of the GHRM is the deployment of environmentally focused “recruitment”, “selection”, “appraisal” and “employees’ engagement” to promote environmental management. Deployment of GHRM is instrumental in influencing the pro-environmental behaviour of employees and subsequently increases the environmental performance of organizations (Renwick et al., 2013). Furthermore, the advent of AI and its pervasive nature point to the dearth of knowledge on the benefits of AI as an enabler of GHRM toward sustainable development.

AI in simplified words is “machine-based systems which collect information and make decisions autonomously, mimicking human intelligence” (Figueroa-Armijos et al., 2022). The increasing popularity of the domain of AI-augmented HRM illustrates the effectiveness of intelligent automation in processing vast amounts of data, reducing time costs, delivering decision outcomes quickly and deploying human resources for jobs requiring more critical thinking (Basu et al., 2023). AI as a facilitating tool may help managers and employees to create engendered value for the organization to avail strategic advantages and suffice organizational sustainable goals (Di et al., 2020). To survive the globally competitive corporate world, organizational settings need to be more efficient than traditional organizational settings and work environments. AI is a great means to multi-fold the managerial efficiency to strategically redeem the vision of organizational leaders and the economic, social, and environmental goals set by organizations (Pillai & Sivathanu 2020). Technology has advanced to the point where it is now ingrained in each individual's daily existence. AI advances human resource management practices to improve employees' experience at the workplace, remain competitive in a rapidly transforming business environment, and enhance the outcomes of HR services (Guenole & Feinzig, 2018).

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