Leveling the Educational Playing Field: Resources for OERs, Open Degree Plans, and Prior Learning Assessment

Leveling the Educational Playing Field: Resources for OERs, Open Degree Plans, and Prior Learning Assessment

Carolyn N. Stevenson
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-7571-0.ch008
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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Many adult learners are looking for an opportunity to finish what they have started and complete a college degree or advance into graduate studies. While the high cost of a college degree is a barrier, there are ways to level the educational playing field through OERs and alternative credit sources. For example, open educational resources (OERs) offer an opportunity to help promote educational equity through free resources. Often, many learners struggle with the high cost of textbooks and other course material needed to be successful in a course. Due to financial constraints, learners are not able to purchase required course materials putting them an academic disadvantage. OERs provide an opportunity to promote student success through free resources. Additionally, OERs are an excellent way to provide supplemental materials for learners needing additional academic assistance. This section provides additional information on open educational Resources (OERS), open degree plans, competency-based education, and prior learning assessment.
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Many adult learners are looking for an opportunity to finish what they have started and complete a college degree or advance into graduate studies. While the high cost of a college degree is a barrier, there are ways to level the educational playing field through OERs and alternative credit sources. For example, open educational resources (OERs) offer an opportunity to help promote educational equity through free resources. Often, many learners struggle with the high cost of textbooks and other course material needed to be successful in a course. Due to financial constraints, learners are not able to purchase required course materials putting them an academic disadvantage. OERs provide an opportunity to promote student success through free resources. Additionally, OERs are an excellent way to provide supplemental materials for learners needing additional academic assistance. This section provides additional information on open educational Resources (OERs), open degree plans, competency based education, and prior learning assessment.

Competency Based Degrees vs. Traditional Degrees

What does “competency based” education mean? To put it simply, the difference lies in the way that learners will earn their degree. Listed below are a few key differences between traditional and competency based degree programs.

  • Traditional Degrees

    • Semester-long courses

    • Set a time for graduation

    • Options for on-campus and online classes

    • Standard general education credits

    • Limited flexibility to work around your schedule

    • Per-credit tuition fees

    • Letter-based grading system

  • Competency Based Degrees

    • Work at your own pace

    • Classes scheduled on three- to six-month terms

    • Courses based upon mastering skills and self-study

    • Online classes

    • Highest level of flexibility to suit your schedule

    • Tuition paid per term—regardless of the number of credits earned

    • Pass/fail grading system (MyDegreeGuide.com, 2020).

There are major differences in the structure of how courses are set up in a competency based degree vs. a traditional degree. Instead of attending college classes every week and earning a letter grade for completion at the end of the semester, in a competency based program, learners work at their own pace and submit an assessment and/or portfolio when the feel they have mastered the course.

Competency based programs focus on developing an understanding of real-world skills that are essential for employment after graduating with a college degree. Because of this, learners do not take traditional “classes.” Instead, they work towards mastery of the competencies through self-study and eventually pass an exam that allows them to complete the class (MyDegreeGuide.com, 2020).

The typical competency based degree is structured in a format similar to the following:

  • Learners pay tuition for one term (typically three to six months) and complete as many competency units as possible during that timeframe.

  • A minimum number of competency units are recommended per term in order to keep their degree program on track.

  • Competency units are earned through the successful completion of a course exam, portfolio, or capstone project.

  • Generally, grades in this type of program are on a pass/no pass basis.

  • Learners are guided through your program by a mentor that will help you stay on schedule for completing your degree (MyDegreeGuide.com, 2020).

Since competency based degrees are based upon self-paced study, you will not be attending a typical classroom setting to learn the skills in your classes. Instead, each aspect of your courses will be built around the development of practical and critical thinking skills that translate directly to your future field. To accomplish such an independent pace for their degree, learners take classes online—which is a huge plus for working adults (MyDegreeGuide.com, 2020).

Competency based degree programs are gaining more interest as adult learning are seeking out more cost efficient ways to earn a college degree. There are several schools throughout the country that offer quality competency based degrees, but here are a few facts about a few:

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