Leave Me Alone!: Sexual Bullying at Work

Leave Me Alone!: Sexual Bullying at Work

Shalini Ramdeo, Riann Singh
Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 16
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-5426-8.ch003
(Individual Chapters)
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The contemporary work environment is plagued with many problems. Two such issues are the occurrence of sexual harassment and workplace bullying. These pervasive behaviors continue to proliferate, with attempts to curtail such acts from occurring. Interestingly, when employees are subjected to bullying tactics that are sexual and/or gender-related in nature, sexual bullying is occurring. This classification is novel in its application to the workplace setting. The authors seek to shed light on the issue, as within the workplace setting understanding this phenomenon is at an embryotic stage. This chapter considers the key elements of workplace bullying, sexual harassment, and conceptualizes sexual bullying. The possible consequences of sexual bullying on employees and the organization are explored. Further, victims of sexual bullying who are targets of cyberbullying is another consideration worthy of exploration. Possible solutions and recommendations are advanced as are areas for further research.
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Given the ever-evolving business environment and work dynamics, workplace issues are also mutating with sexual bullying becoming more apparent. It is against this backdrop that this chapter seeks to achieve the following objectives:

  • 1)

    Describe the key elements of workplace bullying, workplace sexual harassment, and workplace sexual bullying.

  • 2)

    Discuss the consequences of workplace sexual bullying on employees and the organization.

  • 3)

    Evaluate how victims of workplace sexual bullying can be targets of cyberbullying.

  • 4)

    Propose approaches that organizations can adopt to deter workplace sexual bullying from occurring.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Sexual Bullying: An escalating process in which one or more employees are subjected to negative psychological and/or physical abuse, where the intention is sexual and/or gender-related and recurring over an extended period of time (usually 6 months or more). This reduces the target to a psychologically inferior state and creates a hostile work environment.

Workplace Bullying: An escalating process in which one or more employees are subjected to negative psychological and physical abuse recurring over an extended period of time (usually 6 months or more), where the target is reduced to a psychologically inferior state, and it creates a hostile work environment to those exposed.

Workplace Aggression: Negative acts that are perpetrated against an organization or its members and that victims are motivated to avoid.

Cyberbully: A person who directly or indirectly uses technology to reduce another person to a psychologically inferior state.

Sexual Harassment: Unwelcomed sex-related behaviors that can take the form of gender harassment, unwanted sexual attention, and/or sexual coercion that is perceived as implicit or explicit.

Cyberstalking: A form of harassment where the cyberbully makes continuous threats and sends inappropriate messages to an individual in the form of text messages, instant messaging, social media, emails.

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