E-Learning through HCI

E-Learning through HCI

C. Ghaoui
Copyright: © 2007 |Pages: 8
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59140-789-8.ch093
(Individual Chapters)
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E-government is using electronic technology to streamline and/or to improve the business of government and, as a result, to improve its citizens’ personal services; for example, patient hospital appointment booking systems, electronic voting, and the development of e-education. E-education and, from this, e-learning depend not only on the quality of the content but also on that of the human-computer interaction (HCI) generated by designers and implementers of a system. HCI is a cross-discipline subject that covers a wide area of topics, many of which need to be considered in e-learning, that directly affect the student, the tutor, or the administrator. HCI delivering e-learning includes issues such as psychology, sociology, cognitive science, ergonomics, computer science, software engineering, users, design, usability evaluation, learning styles, teaching styles, communication preference, personality types, neurolinguistic programming language patterns, and so forth. This article considers interpersonal communication and the effective transfer of knowledge from one human to another (e.g., a teacher to a learner) in the real world; it then postulates on their replication in distance/e-learning. The article focuses on the factors required for effective e-learning in the field of HCI for education. In particular, it introduces the concept of using communication preference (CP) and learning styles/personality types (LS) in an intuitive interactive tutorial system (in TS). The development of WISDeM (Web Intuitive/interactive student distance education model) by the authors significantly exemplifies this in its evaluation results.

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