Learning Management Systems, Education Technology Advancement, Successes Adoption of Delone-McLean Model Approaches

Learning Management Systems, Education Technology Advancement, Successes Adoption of Delone-McLean Model Approaches

Fahmi Ibrahim, Jessica Abdullah, Heru Susanto, Ulaganathan Subramanian
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-5914-0.ch010
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The education system has been greatly impacted due to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) which was first reported on 3 0th January 2020 by World Health Organisation (WHO). This leads many to adopt and inculcate online learning and learning management systems for blended learning. The aim of this chapter is to study the success of using Moodle Learning Management System that is used among the students and lecturers in University Technology Brunei using the updated DeLone and McLean Information System Success Model. This study employs a mixed methods approach that comprises of both qualitative (through semi-structured interviews) and quantitative methods (collected using the adapted instruments from D&M 2003 Model). The outcome of the research shows support and validation of the adapted model and instruments. System quality and information quality were identified to be the constructs to determine the overall success.
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Quality education improves the economy and culture of a country. It offers information and expertise to the workforce, as well as to shape the identity of a nation’s youth. It is also landmark in the growth of a country (Idris et al., 2012). It is an essential tool that allows an entity to equate good and bad aspects in life. It is a type of learning in which the practices, abilities and expertise of a group of people are passed from one generation to the next by teaching, training or study. Asset in the education of its children, deemed to be the most critical of all modern nations, is fairly granted top priority in developing countries (Bhat, 2014). Being educated offered the chance of improved career prospects, stronger economic activity and higher earnings whereas being uneducated people are more vulnerable to other risks such as unemployment, low incomes, hunger and social isolation (Maulden, 2013). Being in the 21st century, obtaining education are no longer confined in between the four walls. A 21st century education is one that reacts to the economical, technological, and sociological transformations that are occurring at an ever-increasing rate. It can happen anywhere, anytime and not just limited in a classroom. It addresses complexity and design thinking in order to identify opportunities and provide value to people (Meyer and Norman, 2020). Technology provides students with new means of skills in developing their problem solving, critical thinking and communication skills, translating them into other situations. With technologies, learning can be done thousands of miles away through online learning such as learning management system.

UTB is one of the higher institutions in Brunei Darussalam that adopted Moodle as one of their online learning platforms between the students and the lecturer. In addition to that, some also uses Microsoft Teams, Zoom and Skype in order to maintain the learning between students and lecturers. However, surveys were carried out between students and found that there were some challenges faced by the students. Among those were limited internet bandwidth which leads to poor connectivity and high-cost usage in data connection (Omar, Salleh, and Seyal, 2020). Another related research was carried out in the University of Jordan regarding the use of learning management system particularly with the use of Moodle and found that there are many challenges and opportunities underlying the implementation of online learning where the effectiveness of adoption of e-learning by an educational institution should follow requirements, such as the procurement of sufficient technical resources and the adequate educational material of individuals with university skills, and the development of a community that promotes learning and information sharing in order to maximize the usefulness of the implementation of the LMS (Almarabeh et al., 2014).

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