Learning From the Narratives and Themes: What Works Well and What Does Not Work Well

Learning From the Narratives and Themes: What Works Well and What Does Not Work Well

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-9140-9.ch008
(Individual Chapters)
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This chapter explores the concept of “a good life” for the parents and children of the 21st century. It addresses some key issues and studies underlying parenting of the 21st century. Issues like behavioural aspects, special needs, eating behaviours, digital online safety, positive self-esteem, and efficacy are widely discussed and evaluated. It is intriguing to hear how the diverse voice of parents from the South Asian region are captured conveying tips about not only the universals in parenting but also the special unique tips that work in the South Asian values, cultural context. What works well and what does not work well in South Asian parenting is captured in the narratives. As part of the interviews, all parents were made the experts in the parenting and their advice about what other South Asian parents should and should not do in parenting is first of its kind to be captured in a book.
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