Learning Analytics for Smart Classrooms

Learning Analytics for Smart Classrooms

Cèlia Llurba, Ramon Palau, Jordi Mogas
Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 15
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-9220-5.ch103
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The main objective of this study is to use content analysis to explore the characteristics and trends on learning analytics (LA) in smart classrooms (SC). Articles related to the main topic introduce an overview of LA, understanding its meaning and the main characteristics, as well as highlighting the benefits of how LA can be used as a provided tool which assists teachers' and students' practice and how it can help teachers to think and make decisions related to teaching and the learning process. Considering LA can improve learning and provide assistance for at-risk or underachieving learners, the article also researches what experiences have been applied about LA in SC. In addition, most of the studies found referring to data collection do so either on different platforms such as the learning management system, content management system, or have relevant information on gesture-based learning studies and record body language and facial expressions such as capture of movements, gestures, and gazes, whose purpose is to evaluate behaviour in a SC to enhance students' performance.
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Big data and LA are poised to transform personalized learning once again (Shemshack, & Spector, 2020) which can help students to increase motivation and engagement.

The modern digital era, which includes LA, has not changed this fundamental aspect of a teacher day in a class because teachers’ target has always been to enhance learning by getting answers to tailored questions, scoring attendance on a sheet of paper and comparing this with test scores supported by triage (Dollinger et al., 2019); although teachers have always used different types of data about students, data analysis tools are useful for having more information and presumably much faster (Naujokaitiene et al., 2020).

In recent years, when researching and conducting studies on this topic, it has been found that the tools provided the teacher with improbable data such as: predictive analytics to help determine which students are at-risk (Joksimovic, Kovanovic, & Dawson, 2019; Larrabee et al., 2019); to use the student’s past data and current data to determine what is likely to happen next, such as identifying underperforming students; and prescriptive analytics to provide teachers with data which can then use to make actionable decisions, as providing alternative suggestions to make teaching more effective (Admiraal, Vermeulen, & Bulterman-Bos, 2020). These examples have been taken to improve the work of the teacher in the classroom. Saving time and data that teacher can also easily store. Even though Naidu et al. (2017) affirm the model will be effective in making traditional classrooms to SC equipped with LA. Taking into account the definition of SC, which is according to Cebrián, Palau, & Mogas (2020), an educational space endowed with digital devices and learning software, sensor networks, gathering data and offering insights to help decision making for better and faster learning, to provide more convenient teaching and learning conditions for educators and students. Therefore, LA are intimately linked to SC, which integrates in an unobtrusive manner the sensor and communication technology, and artificial intelligence (AI), among others, into the classroom (Aguilar et al., 2018) collecting data to improve the learning process and the student's academic performance.

The overarching aim of this review is to know the benefits of data analysis, main features, claiming if the practice has been carried out, and which contributions or experiences about LA and SC are already made. Even though systematic review focuses on LA for supporting study success, there have been a number of research focused on LA (Atif et al., 2013), on practices (Sclater, Peasgood, & Mullan, 2016) and policies (Gasevi et al., 2019). But, according to Ifenthaler, & Yau (2020), the success of LA in improving student learning has not yet been systematically and empirically demonstrated. Yet not much is known about the practice. It is important to note that many of the implementations described in these papers studied the importance of using LA in SC at different educational levels in higher education, such as high schools or at Universities. Nevertheless, there remains a significant gap in the research concerning LA adoption in high schools (Joksimovic et al., 2019), and almost no practice found in elementary schools.

Key Terms in this Chapter

SMART Classroom: Learning space designed with the aim of improving the experience of the students and their knowledge achievement.

Learning Analytics: Measurement, collection, and analysis of data on learners and their context, to optimize learning and improve educational practice.

Process Mining: Assist in the analysis of processes and converts data into ideas and actions.

Educational Environment: The way, in which students are educated, depending on the physical, emotional, and intellectual environment.

Algorithmic Decision-Making Systems: Analysis of large amounts of personal data to obtain information and considered useful for decision making.

Data Analysis: Statistical analysis methods for analyzing large amounts of information.

Big Data: Large amount of data, procedures, and computer applications, processed at high speed and stored for analysis.

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