Learn, Unlearn, and Relearn: A Step Towards Bringing Resilience in Business Organizations in the Post-COVID-19 Regime

Learn, Unlearn, and Relearn: A Step Towards Bringing Resilience in Business Organizations in the Post-COVID-19 Regime

Nabanita Ghosh, Anubha Srivastava, Sunita Kumar, Daniel Gnanaraj
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-4358-3.ch007
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The world on a whole has undergone a paradigm shift in its journey with the onset of the COVID-19 threat. Business houses of any stature tremendously suffered towards their consistent and competitive survival. Means and measures are few to implement and very challenging in reaping the benefits. Sheer fall in GDP, dropping in the rate of industrialization and productivity are no unknown facts in the present-day scenario. Indians are unfortunate to embrace the pandemic at the juncture of planning and forecasting of India becoming a five trillion dollar economy by 2025.
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The world under the clutches of covid 19 had succumbed to implementing enormous changes in every sphere of its performance in order to sustain itself. India has moved into the post covid dispensation where the country will prioritize economic expansion and sustainability for secured growth and influence on the world stage. Continued disruption is observed in sectors all around. Sectors like automobile, food and catering, tourism, education, healthcare, banking, and insurance are battered though not beaten by the continencies of the pandemic. The survival of the companies called for transformation in the mode of operation with the hope that the performance will be gradually seamless in the new normal scenario.

The term technology is an ever-green concept for newer inclusions in the light of change management. The corporates across dimensions are forced to face the challenges of the change management which was in literature before the onset of Covid 19. Now due to the cascading effects in various performance metrics, the word change has gained momentum and accelerated the need for the inclusions and exclusions principle. In the pre covid scenario, the management attempted to continue their current style of operation as resistance to change is a familiar topic among the employees and demands a mammoth task and now due to the severity of the virus the turnaround strategy is realized in the truest spirit and perform or perish became the mantra for companies, consequently resorted to change their flow of work by majorly nurturing the leadership style, culture, and technology. Some of the strategies for cost management, cost curtailment, and cost monitoring which were in the stage of conception for many industries became an obvious concern, and therefore with a blessing in disguise the industries were forced to unearth their hidden talents in shaping their functions and deliberations in the virus contained regime. The commonality in this transformation is the urgency to introduce such changes with unequal vibes in responses among the different generations due to constraints and traditional blocks. The use of technology may demand the involvement of less task force and more machines, still, empowerment of humans with the requisite skills is a must for an organization's digital transformation journey to come true. In this reformatory period, the success of the introduction of the newer methodologies depended greatly on the business leaders' ability to respond to uncertainties in productivity and growth jolts. The strategists, decision-makers and the policymakers all together were victimized in their approach as the paws of the Covid repeatedly brought questions about the art and architecture of management of organizational function with resource constraints.

The labour shortage, lack of supply of raw material, and less availability of finance multiplied with the need for emphasis on technology made the situation tough and competitive.

The shift in organizational performance became evident in its redefined and restructured situation-centric leadership style, culture, and technology. At this backdrop, the paper attempts to analyse the following changes:

  • 1.

    The shift in leadership style in organizations in the post covid scenario.

  • 2.

    The shift in the cultural climate in organizations in the post covid scenario.

  • 3.

    The shift towards the technology from the traditional work style in organizations in the post covid scenario.

  • 4.

    Compliance procedure followed in the organization in the reformatory period.

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