Leadership Qualities of Successful Millennial Leaders in Developmental Agenda in Africa

Leadership Qualities of Successful Millennial Leaders in Developmental Agenda in Africa

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-4711-6.ch009
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Leadership is the glue that bridges good ideas to action. Leadership is the ability to influence people to follow, and then bring about fundamental changes in society. Scholars have widely postulated different kinds of leadership styles. With the changing technological environment and millennials, these studies are further extrapolated to what skills should millennial leaders possess in this digital age. The study adopted exploratory direction using a desktop review of literature. The study revealed five themes that millennial leaders must exhibit. The study identified visionary, crisis, innovation, and adaptability leadership; inclusive, empathetic, integrity and accountability leadership; resilience, perseverance, cultural appreciation, and contextual understanding; it also viewed youth, women empowerment, environmental stewardship, and long-term thinking as another group of though leadership that millennial leaders ought to advance. Lastly, the ability of millennial leaders to communicate, educate and share knowledge is critical in ringing and growing new leaders through education.
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Africa remains the most underdeveloped continent in the world. It is however a continent with some of the world riches that reside under the earth. It is also a mecca for the world tourists as it contains the world greatest game reserves, showing a variety of fauna and flora. Africa still lags behind many continents, long after colonisation ended. Some of the African countries are still riddled by wars and plunder of economic resources. Africa, today, is still plagued by aid, which continues to put Africa in shackles of poverty, war, poverty and under-development. The former colonisers still see Africa as their lands where they collect their labour and raw materials for their own economic development. The colonial links are still laid bare and are a burden of retrogression. Africa remain a dumping site of “cheap products”, which undermine the productive forces of the African continue to grow its productive power and ability to grow its own local production and markets. Any cheap imports which destroy local production are not good for any country. Whilst the fourth industrial revolution continues the fifth industrial revolution has also been introduced to harmonise human-machine cooperation is central to the Fifth Industrial Revolution (5IR), with a particular emphasis on the welfare of the many stakeholders (i.e., society, companies, employees, customers) (Noble et al., 2022), and leadership remains a crucial element of development.

The Background

South Africa was, in 1994, the last country to be free when it went through its first democratic elections. To many Africans, this was the end of the chapter and the beginning of a free Africa (Everatt & Ebrahim, 2020; Mlambo & Adetiba, 2020). In 1963, the Organisation of African Unity (OAU), now the African Union (AU) was formed. It sought to build a united Africa, which has been elusive even since Dr Kwame Nkrumah stood on the podium to lay a manifesto of a truly independent Africa (Duignan & Jackson, 2022; Roberts, 2022). There has been a lot of predecessors who have come to elucidate his vision and though, but it has been elusive for many African leaders to understand.

The Literature Review

Successful millennial leaders in the developmental agenda in Africa possess a range of leadership qualities that contribute to their effectiveness and impact. Here are some key qualities that are commonly found in these leaders. Successful millennial leaders in Africa have a clear and inspiring vision for the future of their country or region. They are able to articulate their vision and communicate it effectively to others, inspiring them to work towards a common goal. Millennial leaders are known for their innovative thinking and ability to adapt to rapidly changing environments. They embrace new technologies and approaches to problem-solving, leveraging them to drive positive change and development. These leaders understand the importance of collaboration and partnership in achieving developmental goals. They actively seek out opportunities to work with diverse stakeholders, including governments, NGOs, businesses, and local communities, to create shared solutions. Millennial leaders in Africa prioritize inclusivity and diversity in their leadership approach. They value different perspectives and actively seek to understand the needs and challenges of marginalized groups. They strive to create an environment where everyone feels valued and empowered to contribute. Developmental agendas often face numerous challenges and setbacks. Successful millennial leaders demonstrate resilience in the face of adversity. They learn from failures, adapt their strategies, and persevere in their pursuit of positive change. These leaders prioritize integrity, ethical behaviour, and accountability in their actions. They lead by example, promoting transparency and fairness in their decision-making processes.

Millennial leaders have grown up in the digital age and are comfortable using technology to their advantage. They leverage digital tools and platforms to connect with stakeholders, gather data, and drive innovation in their developmental initiatives. Successful millennial leaders have a strong commitment to personal and professional growth. They are avid learners, continuously seeking new knowledge and skills to enhance their leadership capabilities. Millennial leaders in Africa are driven by a deep passion for their work and a strong sense of purpose. They are committed to making a positive impact and are motivated by the desire to create a better future for their communities and nations.

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