Layered Architecture of IoT

Layered Architecture of IoT

Satish Kumar Maurya, Om Prakash Pal, Ketan Sarvakar
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 31
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2373-1.ch009
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This chapter provides a comprehensive exploration of the layered architecture on the internet of things (IoT) ecosystem. IoT has become integral to modern life, touching industries from healthcare to smart cities. The chapter begins with an introduction to IoT's significance and evolution. It then breaks down the architecture into key layers—perception, network, middleware, and application—explaining their roles, interactions, and security considerations. Real-world case studies offer practical insights, while discussions on emerging technologies and challenges provide a glimpse into IoT's future. This chapter equips readers with a fundamental understanding of IoT's layered architecture, encouraging them to participate in this dynamic field.
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Understanding the Significance of IoT Layered Architecture

As the Internet of Things (IoT) continues to revolutionize diverse industries, understanding its layered architecture becomes paramount. This chapter aims to demystify the intricacies of IoT systems by dissecting their architectural framework. By delving into the roles and interactions of key layers - Perception, Network, Middleware, and Application - readers gain insight into how IoT orchestrates seamless connectivity and data exchange. Real-world case studies illustrate the practical implications, while discussions on emerging technologies and challenges offer a glimpse into the evolving landscape of IoT. Through this exploration, readers are empowered to grasp the fundamental concepts of IoT architecture, fostering their engagement and participation in this dynamic technological realm (Markendahl, Lundberg, Kordas, & Movin, 2017).

Definition of IoT (Internet of Things)

The Internet of Things, often abbreviated as IoT, is a revolutionary technological paradigm that has taken the world by storm. At its core, IoT is a network of interconnected physical objects or “things” embedded with sensors, software, and other technologies, enabling them to collect and exchange data with other devices and systems over the internet. These “things” can be anything from household appliances and industrial machines to wearable devices and vehicles. The essence of IoT lies in the seamless communication and collaboration between these devices, resulting in an unprecedented level of automation, data-driven decision-making, and connectivity.

Significance and Pervasiveness of IoT in Today's World

The significance and pervasiveness of IoT in the contemporary world cannot be overstated. IoT has transcended its initial promise to become an integral part of our daily lives, shaping industries, enhancing efficiency, and fostering innovation. In today's interconnected world, IoT manifests its importance in various domains, including:

  • 1.

    Smart Cities: IoT is the backbone of smart city initiatives, enabling efficient traffic management, waste collection, and resource optimization. It enhances the quality of urban life by providing real-time information to city planners and residents.

  • 2.

    Healthcare: Wearable health devices and IoT-enabled medical equipment are revolutionizing healthcare. Remote monitoring of patients, early disease detection, and personalized treatments are now possible, improving patient outcomes.

  • 3.

    Agriculture: IoT facilitates precision agriculture by monitoring soil conditions, weather patterns, and crop health. Farmers can make data-driven decisions to increase yields and reduce resource usage.

  • 4.

    Manufacturing: Industrial IoT (IIoT) has transformed manufacturing processes. Factories now operate with higher efficiency, reduced downtime, and predictive maintenance, resulting in cost savings and improved product quality.

  • 5.

    Environmental Monitoring: IoT is used to monitor and combat climate change. Sensors collect data on air and water quality, helping us make informed decisions to protect the environment.

  • 6.

    Retail: IoT enhances customer experiences by enabling smart shelves, inventory tracking, and personalized marketing. It's changing the way we shop both online and in physical stores.

The prevalence of IoT is evident in smart homes, connected cars, and wearable devices that have become ubiquitous. The global IoT market is experiencing exponential growth, with an ever-expanding ecosystem of devices and applications.

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