“La Voz del Rehén”: An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Development of Creativity in Pre-Service Teachers of Physical Education – Towards Collective Learning Models for Unlocking the SDGs

“La Voz del Rehén”: An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Development of Creativity in Pre-Service Teachers of Physical Education – Towards Collective Learning Models for Unlocking the SDGs

Berta Murillo-Pardo, Inma Canales-Lacruz, Silvia Lorente-Echeverría, Ana Corral-Abós, Lucía Muñoz-Peleato
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-8645-7.ch010
(Individual Chapters)
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In this chapter, the authors describe the characteristics of an interdisciplinary programme based on the SDGs called “La Voz del Rehén” [The Voice of the Hostage]. This programme aims to develop the transversal competence of creativity in teacher training at the Faculty of Education of the University of Zaragoza (Spain). It is a consequence of the imminent collective transformation that must modify the university education system, which cannot be oblivious to the education for sustainability and change agendas foreseen worldwide. Therefore, this type of innovative methodological initiative aims to stimulate learning processes from collective involvement, which moves the apogee of the ego to second place, promoting a relational and extended existence.
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Since 2019, making the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) visible, and thus achieving their integration into teacher training, has become an innovative adventure in the Physical Education (PE) degree at the Faculty of Education (University of Zaragoza, Spain). The aim is to modify the educational project by taking the expansion of the SDGs as a path, thus enabling education and society to share goals. The development of creativity in students triggers the search for new learning approaches and new ways of seeing systems.

Education must promote collective actions that help to train future teachers, citizens who are aware and prepared to participate in making the right decisions and to transform. For this reason, from the Physical Education subject area, we try to ensure that the subjects taught equip students with the necessary competences to become agents of change, assuming leadership in Education for Sustainability (EfS) when teaching in schools. To achieve this challenge, the key is the application of innovative and disruptive methodologies at all educational levels, which allow learning by doing, based on a vision that assumes complexity, and as an exercise in foresight (training for life). In line with this training or need, this chapter poses a new challenge, with a different mindset, driven by creativity, an interdisciplinary approach, action-based learning, critical thinking, the participation of multiple actors and critical SDG literacy. Through which an interdisciplinary methodological approach is advocated from the PE degree, in which divergent production processes integrated in the development of creativity are developed. Likewise, involved in the creative solution of social problems, where the discovery of many possible, different, novel and quality solutions is pursued.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Interdisciplinarity: This is the combination of several disciplines or subjects that have a common purpose. This combination allows for a meaningful teaching-learning process for the student because it encompasses the entire phenomenon.

Group Creation: Collective production process distinguished by negotiation in decision-making.

Agents of Change: These are the future teachers, current Physical Education degree students, and participants in “La Voz del Rehén”. They are the ones in whom the hope for a radical change that will lead to a more sustainable society has been placed.

Relational and Extended Existence: This is the way of being for the posthuman, centred on a sense of community that relegates the apogee of the ego to second place.

Posthumanism: A term that denotes the need to coin a new concept that defines the human from a symbiotic vision with the rest of the living beings that inhabit the planet. It is an approach that places the human being outside the hegemonic anthropocentrism.

La Voz del Rehén: Interdisciplinary programme based on the sustainable development goals that develops transversal competences and is based on group creation processes, to turn students into agents of change. It is applied in the Physical Education degree at the Faculty of Education of the University of Zaragoza (Spain).

Transversal Competences: These are the skills that need to be worked on and that extend perpendicularly in a teaching-learning process. Some examples: decision-making, teamwork, diagnostic capacity, etc.

Sustainable Development Goals: These are 17 proposals launched by the United Nations in view of the urgent socio-economic transformation required for the continuity of life on the planet.

Challenges: Undertakings stimulated from “La Voz del Rehén” so that each creative team can collectively personalise their concerns and learning processes.

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