KPIs for Mobile Apps and Digital Data Management in Healthcare

KPIs for Mobile Apps and Digital Data Management in Healthcare

Rebeca Antolín-Prieto, Nuria Ruiz-Lacaci, Ana Reyes-Menendez
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-7263-4.ch011
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This study aimed to identify quantitative and qualitative KPIs for the implementation of apps and use of digital data in healthcare management. To this end, a systematic review of the literature was undertaken to analyze relevant scientific articles downloaded from reputed scientific databases (Scopus, PubMed, PsyINFO, ScienceDirect, and WOS). The databases were searched using the following keywords: “Big Data,” “Artificial Intelligence,” “Mobile Technologies,” “APP,” “Disease,” “Geolocation,” and “Health.” Subsequently, 25 qualitative and quantitative KPI values, as rating, product quality, or unique users, were identified for the successful preparation and management of healthcare based on apps and the use of digital data.
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Today, due to people’s ubiquitous use of mobile devices, smartphones have become a key element of any business strategy (Reyes-Menendez et al., 2020). According to the Global Mobile Market Report (2019), the number of mobile devices worldwide is also growing exponentially (see Table 1).

Table 1.
Global smartphone users
RankingCountrySmartphones users (millions)
3Asia Pacific381M426M472M
4Middle East and Africa328M364M403M
5Eastern Europa202M212M220M
6Western Europe298M306M313M
7Latin America230M259M288M
8North America268M278M288M

Source: Global Mobile Market Report (2019)

Key Terms in this Chapter

Geolocation: The process of determining the geographic position or specific location of a person or object through the GPS system of a mobile device, an IP address, or a postal code, among others.

Disease: Disturbance of the normal functioning of the organism leading to a deterioration of the organism.

APP: A computer application that allows, through a mobile device, to execute tasks to manage professional activities, access information or communicate, among other services.

MHealth: Is a branch of digital Health in which the practice of health care is supported by mobile devices.

Health: State in which a living being is in a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and free from disease.

Mobile: A wireless phone device, if the device has access to the internet it is commonly referred to as smartphone.

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