Just Put Your Class Online: The Realties of Going Online During COVID-19

Just Put Your Class Online: The Realties of Going Online During COVID-19

Julie C. Tatlock, Paula Reiter
Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 16
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-4055-1.ch001
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
10% Discount:-$3.75


The purpose of this chapter is to reflect on the experience of online education during COVID-19 at the university level with a view towards using that experience to guide online education going forward. It is the authors' argument that not only is it unlikely that online education will go back to pre-pandemic levels, but also that it is incumbent on academia to deliberately deliver quality online instruction. The focus in on college-level humanities courses, and the chapter considers both what universities did well during COVID-19 and what needs improvement in the future.
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Recognizing Online Learning As A Distinctive Entity

There are many areas to consider when building this support; the first is academic structure and reporting. Rather than have online classes scattered throughout the university, there should be a dean or director of online instruction charged with oversight of all aspects of online delivery. Such a position would be akin to a dean for graduate studies or a director for accelerated programming. This dean or director would be a voice for those teaching online and would be charged with representing the interests and needs of students taking classes online.

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