Judgment Work: The Human Component Augmenting AI in Strategic Management

Judgment Work: The Human Component Augmenting AI in Strategic Management

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-9261-1.ch009
(Individual Chapters)
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This chapter explores the scholarship that addresses the relationship between artificial intelligence (AI) and strategic management. While technology offers organizations many unique benefits, scholars and practitioners question the limits of AI with regard to the adoption and dissemination of strategic managerial decisions. This chapter offers judgment work as an important competency during this Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0) as it helps managers to differentiate between tasks that can be automated by AI and tasks that can be augmented by the strategic use of AI. Implications for business education are discussed as well as suggestions for future research.
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Since the early 2000s, strategic management has experienced a new season of technological innovation that many scholars have labeled the 4th Industrial Revolution (industry 4.0; Ayentimi & Burgess, 2019; Jacobs & Pretorius, 2022). AI has been hugely impactful on the adoption and dissemination of this new wave of technological capabilities.

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