Journalism in Violent Times: Mexican Journalists' Responses to Threats and Aggressions

Journalism in Violent Times: Mexican Journalists' Responses to Threats and Aggressions

Ruben Arnoldo Gonzalez
Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 20
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-7464-8.ch060
(Individual Chapters)
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The aim of this chapter is to describe Mexican journalists' responses to constant threats and aggressions. In doing so, it draws on 93 semi-structured interviews conducted in 23 of the most violent states of the country. The results indicate that violence against news workers has a twofold set of implications for the practice of professional journalism: On the one hand, constant attacks on media staff have promoted the development of a more elaborated journalistic performance, based upon factual reporting, diversification of sources, collaborative coverage, and the creation of journalists' associations. On the other hand, however, in many cases the same situation has also inhibited reporters' and newsrooms' jobs by forcing them to self-censorship and the dependence on government official versions of sensitive issues such as crime news or corruption, amongst other passive routines. The simultaneous coexistence of both outcomes provides evidence of the operation of multiple journalisms within the Mexican media system.
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This section presents a review of the relevant literature and, hence, serves as a context for the empirical evidence that will be presented and analysed in the following pages. In doing so, there are three key issues that will be discussed in this part of the chapter: the endemic state of violence against news workers in Mexico, the concept of journalistic professionalization, and an overview of the limitations to the Mexican journalism practice.

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