Islamic Work Ethic: A Content-Analysis Based Literature Review

Islamic Work Ethic: A Content-Analysis Based Literature Review

Burak Özdemir, Hamid Murad Özcan
Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 23
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-9319-6.ch003
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Islamic work ethic (IWE) has been on the rise in the last 10 years and started to attract the attention of researchers. This study examines the development of IWE studies. In this direction, studies with the theme of Islamic work ethic were determined by examining the studies published in the Web of Science database. How IWE research has changed and developed was interpreted by the content analysis method. For that purpose, scientific publications were analyzed in terms of publication year, type of study, research design, sample type, sample size, data collection method, country where the study was carried out, variable types, antecedents and consequences of the IWE by descriptive review model When past studies were examined, it was seen that there was no study examining the literature on IWE in the context of content analysis. This study aims to fill this gap in the literature, to evaluate the situation of the IWE phenomenon in the literature, and to reveal which variables it is associated with.
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It is not an ordinary situation that the ethical approach has come to the fore and the need for it has intensified in recent years. The increase in behaviors and practices contrary to ethical values in management and business life, and the prevalence of irregularities, corruptions and degenerations show the importance of work ethic (Saylı, Ağca, Kızıldağ and Yaşar Uğurlu, 2009). The fact that there are many studies in the literature between work ethic and organizational behaviors is an indicator of this situation. Studies focus on how ethical standards that guide the behavior of individuals in the business world can be applied to behaviors and organizational policies.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Sunnah: Behaviors of the Prophet Muhammad that are deemed necessary to be followed by Muslims.

Zakat: One of the five pillars of Islam, which orders the distribution of one-fortieth of the wealth and money owned by the rich.

Halal: One that is not contrary to the rules of Islam, that is not forbidden in terms of religion.

Protestantism: The sect that emerged as a result of the reform movement in Christianity.

Koran: The basic book of Islam, which contains the basic principles of the religion of Islam and the commandments of the God sent to the Prophet Muhammad.

Islamic Ummah: All of the Muslims gathered around the Prophet Muhammad, believing in him and practicing what he did and said.

Allah: How Muslims call God.

Hadith: Words and actions of the Prophet of Islam, Muhammad.

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