IoT Technology in a Sustainable and Greener Environment

IoT Technology in a Sustainable and Greener Environment

Vugar Abdullayev Hajimahmud, Abbasova Vasila Soltanaga, Agazade Jale Firudin, Triwiyanto Triwiyanto
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-6016-3.ch003
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Sustainability is at the heart of modern nature-based projects. Ensuring sustainability is implemented within the framework of 17 SDGs, which are considered Sustainable Development Goals. The main goal here is for both humanity and nature to have a higher quality of life. Many technologies are used to implement and ensure sustainability. The integration of technology into nature is developing on a different scale than in the recent past. Emphasis is now placed on the introduction of more nature-friendly technologies. These are mainly known as green technologies and are applied in many different sectors. Another category of green technologies is green information technologies, which are used to implement more sustainable computing. In addition, green technologies especially integrated into the smart environment are known as the green internet of things by being integrated into the internet of things ecosystem resulting from the establishment of a network of smart green technology or in other words smart devices. In this chapter, the integration of green technologies into the internet of things ecosystem, its features, green IoT devices, and their application in various sectors in terms of sustainability are discussed.
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2. Green Internet Of Things

Green technology is a type of technology that is considered environmentally friendly based on the production process or supply chain. The term “green technology” can also refer to technologies that produce clean energy, use alternative fuels, and are less harmful to the environment than fossil fuels. Green technologies are designed to protect ecosystems and endangered species, reduce carbon emissions, and conserve natural resources. Examples of green technology include solar energy, electric vehicles, sustainable agriculture and carbon sequestration (Arenasolutions, 2023). One of the main categories of green technology is Green Internet of Things technology as shown in Figure 1.

The Green Internet of Things focuses on reducing energy use for İnternet of Things as a necessity to fulfill the sustainability idea of a smart world and the intelligence of everything, as well as to reduce CO2 emissions (Memić & Haskovic, 2022).

Figure 1.

Green internet of things technology


Green IoT generally features technologies such as Green Cloud Computing, Green RFID, Green WSN, Green machine-to-machine (M2M) and Green Data Centers. These are the key components in the design of Green IoT (Nitasha and Aznida et al., 2021)

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