IoT Security Enhancement System: A Review Based on Fusion of Edge Computing and Blockchain

IoT Security Enhancement System: A Review Based on Fusion of Edge Computing and Blockchain

Santosh Kumar Das, Vikash Kumar
Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 15
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-7343-6.ch011
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The internet of things (IoT) is one of the new technologies based on new requirements and innovations. It is a set of equipment that consists of several sensor nodes and devices to make efficient communication. It is an embedded system that contains several sensor nodes, software, and exchanging equipment. There are several applications of IoT such as smart homes, health monitoring systems, smart factories, wearable health monitoring systems, logistic tracking, etc. Although, it has several applications and advantages, but it has also some limitations regarding data privacy, data security, data volume and data complexity, etc. Hence, it requires innovating and modeling of security of IoT based on different techniques. Therefore, in this chapter, a details review is discussed based on the fusion of edge computing and blockchain.
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Internet of Things (IoT) is a technology that is based on different sensor networks and devices to make efficient communication for modeling applications (Abadía et al., 2022). It is used for several purposes such as data sensing, data access and its related transportation, data connectivity and its mechanism, app and application design and its human value and experience analysis, data value connectivity and action maintenance, etc. It requires designing of several requirements of the customer based on modeling applications such as smart applications and tangible benefits (Wojdała, 2021; Das, 2021).

Architecture of IoT

IoT is based on four layers as application layer, data processing layer, network layer and sensing layer which are shown in Figure 1 (Lima et al., 2021). The application layer is used to manage different applications based on the services of the customer and societies which depend on different needs. It helps to manages several information for the purpose of smart application. Data processing layer that is used to process data based on services and management. It helps to process data based on different areas and application. Network layer is used to maintain a connection based on wireless network. It may be a wireless sensor network, wireless mobile network, wireless ad-hoc network, etc. But each of the networks contains some sensor nodes having capabilities of sensing data and its processing information. The sensing layer is used to manage data sensing information. There are several components that are associated with this such as gateway, thing or device, cloud, and user interface based on different data and services. Short descriptions are as follows.

  • (i)

    Application layer: This layer is used the smart application layer which is used to manage and control several sensing smart applications. It also helps to manage the operation of IoT based on different devices.

  • (ii)

    Data processing layer: This layer is used for processing information system that helps to manage several data analytics information. It also helps to manage several data analytics based on some decision making system.

  • (iii)

    Network layer: It helps to manage several data transmission systems for managing some technologies. Its main purpose is a data acquisition system that helps to manage network technologies based on two devices such as the internet and network gateways.

  • (iv)

    Sensing layer: This layer is used for data sensing after that helps to gather information. It helps to sense data and gathers it by using a sensor and actuator. It helps to manage physical objects for handling several information.

Figure 1.

Architecture of IoT


Application of IoT

IoT helps to make efficient communication based on services. It helps to establish a link between physical objects with software and some devices to make communication efficient. Some examples are given in this section as follows.

  • (a). Smart city maintenance

  • (b). Smart grid computing

  • (c). Smart home and building management

  • (d). Supply chain management

  • (e). Traffic management

The remaining part of this article is divided as: Section 2 describes details analysis of literature review for security related issues in the area of IoT. Section 3 discusses proposed methodology of secure IoT communication. Section 4 discusses conclusions and future works based on proposed work.

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