IoT in E-Health, Assisted Living, and E-Wellness

IoT in E-Health, Assisted Living, and E-Wellness

Mohammad Abdul Azim, Ethel Merry, Jigmey Gyalmo, Zulfikar Alom
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-3533-5.ch002
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Considering the immense assistance of the internet of things (IoT) in several industries, including the healthcare IoT (H-IoT) and internet of medical things (IoMT), it has performed better not only in the hardware but in the underlying software categories as well. While the use of IoT in the paradigm of healthcare is salient, expectations on improvements on the infrastructure are a few of the incidents that ought to be addressed. Appreciating and acknowledging the above, in this chapter, the authors introduced a generic concept of H-IoT, developed an appreciation relating 42 recently published articles from the time period of 2017-2021 (relating COVID-19), critiqued, and also provided the future directions of H-IoT/IoMT in the perspective of COVID-19 pandemic.
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According to Eysenbach, he describes e-health as the juncture of medical facilities; health services and information; the involvement of the internet and related technologies (Eysenbach, 2001). Butpheng, Yeh and Xiong also acknowledges e-health as an standard and effective means to enhance the quality of health-care services with evidence information' (Butpheng, Yeh, & Xiong, 2020). Similarly, Dixon mentioned e-health as the delivery of healthcare with numerous technologies with quality, safety and cost-effectiveness (Dixon, 2007). Similarly, Shashank and Bichile emphasized that search-engines provide any relevant information to health during the times query (Shashan & Bichile, 2004). However, whether the server leads to accurate information is always in question as well as the quality assessment tool to ensure that these sites are checked regularly for the nation’s security and well-being (Azzawi, Hassan, & Bakar, 2016). Moreover, Kashani et al. also recognized the sustainable resources and the application of best practices in E-Health, nevertheless, he argues if these road plans are only the beginning and the next steps are vague (Kashani et al., 2021).

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