IoT for Sustainable Living: Environmental Monitoring and Alerts

IoT for Sustainable Living: Environmental Monitoring and Alerts

Nagarani Nagarajan, P. Karthikeyan, Bilal A., Suvatheka S.
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-4284-8.ch008
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Disasters, whether natural or human-made, inflict widespread devastation and threaten lives, infrastructure, and the environment. The internet of things (IoT) has transformed disaster detection and environmental monitoring. IoT systems, leveraging strategically placed sensors, offer real-time data on various environmental factors, serving as early warning systems. Deploying sensors in urban, industrial, and natural settings, the system continuously monitors air quality, temperature, humidity, rainfall, and wind speed. Equipped with GPS modules, these nodes provide valuable geospatial context, enhancing data precision. This platform enables real-time data processing, analysis, and visualization, with remote access for stakeholders. Employing machine learning algorithms, the system predicts disasters based on crucial environmental parameters, This IoT-based system enhances environmental sustainability, predicts disasters, improves public health, and informs policy decisions, showcasing the pivotal role of IoT in addressing contemporary environmental challenges.
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1. Introduction

1.1 Exploring Disasters: Natural and Human-Made

A natural disaster, stemming from the Earth's natural processes, brings about catastrophic events that result in widespread destruction, substantial economic setbacks, and, at times, loss of life. These occurrences, often abrupt and unforeseen, unleash immense havoc upon the environment, infrastructure, and local communities. They manifest in diverse forms, such as hurricane, wildfire and volcanic eruption, each exhibiting distinct traits. Alternatively, the aftermath of human oversight or negligence can lead to man-made disasters, causing profound havoc in both communities and ecosystems. These calamities, resulting from industrial accidents, gas leakor pollution of the environment,carry consequences that often rival or exceed those of natural catastrophes.

1.2 Disaster Diversity: Natural and Man-Made

Hurricanes are formidable storms, wielding powerful winds, heavy rainfall, and storm surges, capable of inundating coastal regions and causing extensive damage. Wildfires, uncontrollable infernos, swiftly spread across forests, grasslands, and urban areas, intensified by dry climates and gusty winds. A volcanic eruption is the explosive release of magma, ash, and gases from a volcano's vent or fissure. These natural calamities pose a holistic threat to humanity, emerging unpredictably and inflicting colossal harm on lives and assets. Industrial accidents, often occurring in factories or manufacturing plants, can lead to chemical spills, explosions, or structural failures, causing immediate harm to workers and nearby communities while also polluting the environment.A gas leak can have immediate and serious consequences. It occurs when a gas, such as natural gas or propane, escapes from a containment system. Gas leaks can happen in homes, businesses, or industrial settings and pose severe risks due to the flammability and potential health hazards associated with the gases. Pollution refers to the introduction of harmful substances or contaminants into the environment, causing adverse effects on ecosystems, human health, and the natural balance of the planet. It can take various forms, such as air pollution (from vehicle emissions, industrial activities), water pollution (from sewage, chemicals), soil contamination, noise pollution, and more. Pollution can have far-reaching consequences, including respiratory issues, damage to ecosystems, loss of biodiversity, climate change, and negative impacts on water and food resources.

1.3 The New Dawn: IoT Technology

Thankfully, the dawn of sophisticated technology, notably the Internet of Things (IoT), has transformed the landscape of disaster detection and environmental surveillance. IoT-based systems furnish real-time data on various environmental facets, functioning as preemptive alarm systems for potential disasters. These systems strategically position sensors in vulnerable zones to gather vital data, enabling the early identification of looming dangers and facilitating informed decision-making to alleviate the impact of disasters.


2. Literature Review

The evolution of disaster prediction spans a significant shift from traditional manual methodologies to the technologically sophisticated era propelled by the Internet of Things (IoT). In pre-IoT times, disaster prediction heavily relied on human observation, historical data analysis, and expertise in meteorology, seismology, and related domains. Experts used rudimentary instruments like thermometers, barometers, and seismographs to manually track environmental cues, discerning patterns in weather, seismic activities, and environmental shifts. Predictive models were constructed based on historical data, yet limitations in real-time data access and the reliance on historical precedents hindered the precision and immediacy of predictions. Early warning systems, though existent, were localized and provided elementary alerts to communities, stemming from the constraints of traditional methods.

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