IoT-Enabled Smart Homes: Architecture, Challenges, and Issues

IoT-Enabled Smart Homes: Architecture, Challenges, and Issues

Indu Malik, Arpit Bhardwaj, Harshit Bhardwaj, Aditi Sakalle
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-4991-2.ch008
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The smart home achieved commerciality in the previous decades because it has increased comfort and quality of human life. Using AI and IoT technology, humans get notifications about the unplaced (not having or assigned to a specific place) things or devices at home. In this chapter, the authors introduce the concept of a smart home with the integration of IoT (internet of things), cloud, and AI. A smart home can be controlled by smartphones, tablets, or PC. The smart home is a collection of smart devices; smart devices have sensors and actuators. All these devices are connected, and they are controlled by the central unit. The sensor is used to collect data. The smart home is a net of sensors, different types of sensors used to create a smart home. Particular sensors perform particular tasks like biometric sensors used for security. In this chapter, the authors discuss remote access of devices, increased computation power, and data storage. Home automation gives you access to an on and off home light, lock and unlock the door, and switch on and switch off the AC and TV.
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The smart home (A et al., 2017) is a collection of merged technologies such as IoT, cloud computing, and AI. Instead of this, these technologies are responsible to manage local and central computing with the optimized resource. Masterly smart home, IoT, cloud, and AI are basic components for our proposed smart home. Each component is a core attribute to create a smart home. IoT is used for internet connection, sensors, and remote access of smart devices through central control unit (PC, mobile, tablet). In Day to Day, life humans need smart devices, which make human life easier. Sensors could be attached to any electronic device such as the doorbell, air conditioner, light, etc. The smart home is also a part of a smart computer or intelligent computer which is why it embeds with home devices to control and monitor home appliances' functionality. Cloud computing is used for storage space, scalable power computing, and applications for developing, and maintaining home services, with the help of cloud computing home devices can be accessed anywhere. The smart home is used to access control over the devices, to get security, energy efficiency, and convenience. Smart devices provide convenience and saving of people time, money, and energy. The smart home is controlled by a smartphone or tablet. In this chapter, we introduce what is Smart home and why a Smart home is needed? How we can create a smart home using IoT, AI, and the cloud. Nowadays AI and IoT (Alaa et al., 2017) technology is used to create a smart home.

Home Automation

Before you delve deep into smart home technologies, you should be known about home automation. Home automation is an ecosystem. It refers to the automatic control of the electronic devices, home activity, and appliances of the home. In simple terms, home automation is a system that gives the features to control utilities and functionality of the home remotely through the internet.

How Does Home Automation Work?

Home automation is a collection of hardware, software, and electronic interface, which works to integrate all devices with another one through the internet. Each electronic device has sensors and these are connected through the internet. The House owner could manage or control all devices through a smartphone or tablet house owner's location does not matter, it is at home or a milestone away from the home. Home automation gives you access to an ON and OFF home light, lock and unlock the door, and switch on and switch off the AC and TV.

Home Automation has three basic components as shown in Figure 1. These components are

  • Sensors

  • Controllers

  • Actuators

Figure 1.

Home Automation Components


Sensors: Sensors are used to sense the activity; it used to sense or detect smoke, motion, and temperature. Home automation adjusts home settings according to user preferences.

Controllers: Basically, controller is a device that operates all the functionality of smart devices such as smartphones, tablets, and computers.

Actuators: Actuators may be light switches or motors. Actuators control the actual mechanism or functions of the home automation.

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