IoT-Deep Learning-Based Detection of Cyber Security Threats

IoT-Deep Learning-Based Detection of Cyber Security Threats

Ramesh Naidu P., Dankan Gowda V., Kumaraswamy S., Pankaj Dadheech, Ansuman Samal
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-4558-7.ch003
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The internet of things (IoT) is a revolutionary technology that links living and non-living devices all around the world. As a result, the frequency of cyber-attacks against IoT deployments is expected to rise. As a result, each system must be absolutely secure; otherwise, consumers may opt not to utilize the technology. DDoS assaults that recently attacked various IoT networks resulted in massive losses. There is only one way to detect stolen data from software and malware on the IoT network that is discussed in this chapter. To categorize stolen programming with source code literary theft, the tensor flow deep neural system is offered. To communicate raucous information while simultaneously emphasizing the value of each token in terms of source code forgery, tokenization, and measurement, the malware samples were gathered using the Malign dataset. The results show that the methodology proposed for analyzing IoT cyber security threats has a higher classification efficiency than current methodologies.
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IoT expansion has expanded significantly in social orders worldwide lately. As how much interconnected IoT hardware came to $27 billion out of 2017, these IoT gear will increment dramatically with buyer interest, with a limit expected to reach $125 billion by 2030. Explicit clever city applications are connected to monstrous, true gadgets, which actually have extremely critical metropolitan advantages. The enormous quantities of Iot gadgets in different assistance types, structures, applications and conventions (e.g., WIFI, wired, versatile, cell, Bluetooth) add to the test of potential IoT network the board. There are accordingly not kidding digital protection dangers and weaknesses to these Internet reconciliation conventions to assault data about ordinary resident exercises (Srinivasan et al., 2019). Such digital dangers may not be permitted on the LOT framework except if the approved customer or leader (for instance Miria botnet) is familiar with them. In splendid city adventures, there are two significant security issues. The chief test is the means by which to recognize zero-day attacks from a combination of IoT shows in the sharp cloud server ranch assuming that critical perils are stayed away from IoT systems (Joyia et al., 2017). The second is the best way to deal with recognize advanced attacks adroitly (for instance IoT malware attacks, etc.) in the IoT arrange already obliterating a shrewd local area. Today, most IoT sensors gather all data through the enormous measure of information gathered on cloud servers (Zanella et al., 2014).

As of now, the IOT network frameworks have insignificant assets and less elements (for example shrewd watches, keen lights, savvy locks, and so on) which are not utilized by IOT network applications. An amazing new technology known as the Thing Internet ties the whole world to the Internet. Personal, professional, and social goals may all be met with the support of Internet of Things (IoT) solutions (Karbab et al., 2017). The Internet of Things (IoT) is a global network of intelligent devices that does not need human involvement, which is great but it is susceptible to cyber-attacks. Intruder detection systems are an essential part of any network's defense against cyber attacks (IDS). A machine-learning network is used by many of the latest IDS to help them prepare for and identify cyber attacks (Jabbar et al., 2018). Centralized distributed computing development is facilitated by fog computing, which tackles scalability obstacles, poorer QoS (Quality of Service) high transmission capacity utilisation and distributed computing's high inactivity need in the IoT framework by using mist-based distributed computing. Consolidating and achieving IoT arrangements effectively is possible with the use of Mist to-hub. Figure 1 depicts the mist to-hub model design with applicable equal figuring for offering IDS measures, controls, and stocking closer to IoT network arte facts for circulated mist.

Figure 1.

IoT network design based on fog-to-node communication


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