IoT-Based System for Crop Protection From Animals: Towards Smart Farming

IoT-Based System for Crop Protection From Animals: Towards Smart Farming

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-8516-3.ch003
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No one can imagine a world without agriculture. Due to overpopulation and deforestation, animal interference in residential areas is increasing day by day affecting human life and property, and causing human-animal conflict. At the present time, farmers in India and other countries are facing a serious threat from wildlife animals which causes less production in crop yielding. It is not possible to stay in the field for 24 hours to guard the crops against animals. In spite of good production, the crops on farms are many times ravaged by animals and it leads to huge losses for the farmers in terms of production, effort, quality, and money. To overcome this problem, an IoT-based crop protection system is being proposed in the present work. The system uses a microprocessor and a set of sensors to detect wild animals approaching near the field. The sensor data is analyzed through a machine learning algorithm and helps the microprocessor to take action. This system helps farmers to protect their crops from animals.
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More than 65% of people in India as well as many people in the world are living in rural areas which depend on agriculture. Even many urban companies are based on agricultural products. Being dependent on agriculture, animal husbandry is one of the most popular livelihoods in Rural areas. The people keep animals like cows, buffaloes, goats, hens, etc. for earning through various by-products like milk, eggs, wool, etc. from the animals. In rural areas, although these animals help in farming but more often these animals pose a problem for the farmer n crop security. The boundaries of the field are vast and open. The protection of crops is a challenge for the farmers. Great efforts are required from the farmers to make their crops secure. It becomes more difficult in the weather conditions like heavy rain, and peak summer and winter seasons. The efforts needed make the life of the farmer miserable. Despite taking great care, the crops get destroyed due to the frequent entry of animals like cows, nilgai, wild boar, deer, etc. into the fields due to which the farmers do not get even full return of their labor from crop yields.

In order to reduce the effort, labor, and damage of crops and to maximize the income of the farmer, The present work is proposed a technological solution to vigil the crops. With the help of technologies like data analytics & IoT data is collected, pre-processed and analyzed to take the decision. The IoT is being used in agriculture in a variety of ways. Precision farming, monitoring climate conditions, building agriculture drones, and remote sensing smart greenhouses are few examples where IoT is being used for farming. The use of technology reduces the effort of farmers and hence improve the quality of life of farmers and their family.

To vigil the crops 24*7, it is needed to capture the data and inform the farmer on any critical situation in real time. The sensors and camera can be used as data collection in real time and further processed using microprocessor to take effective decision on findings. The Internet of Things play a important role in this. The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to a group of physical objects that are equipped with sensors, software, and other advanced technologies to enable them to communicate and share data with other systems and devices over the Internet. At this time IoT become popular in various industries, agriculture, smart cities etc. Almost every aspect of life where automation is required, are using the capabilities of IoT. Some of the areas where IoT is being used are:

  • In industrial automation, IoT is being used to monitor and control industrial equipment to increase efficiency at low cost.

  • In the agriculture sector IoT is being used to monitor crop conditions and weather patterns for increased production in low cost and minimum effort.

  • IoT is being used in smart homes and smart cities to monitor and control the various equipment and for enhanced security system.

The proposed system comprises cameras and sensors, microprocessor etc. The cameras and PIR sensors are installed in various positions in the field. These camera and sensors are being used to capture the suspicious entry of animals in field. The real time monitoring of the field is done through continuous collection of data and by analyzing the collected data in real time. The data is being used to train the Convolutional Neural Network algorithm to assign the data in one of two classes. The proposed system uses 11 layers of Convolutional Neural Network. If any entry of animals is detected by the system, the proposed system has two ways to secure the crop from the animals.

  • To inform the farmers about the entry of animals into crops through alarms and mobile messages.

  • To play a pre-recorded roaring sound of dangerous animals like lions etc. to create fear in the animals.

The reminder of the chapter is organized as follows. The section 2 will explore the background work and related work. The section 3 will demonstrate the proposed work. The section 4 includes implementation of algorithm. The section 5 will explore the result and section 6 discussion followed by the conclusion and future scope.

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