IoT-Based Smart Sensors: The Key to Early Warning Systems and Rapid Response in Natural Disasters

IoT-Based Smart Sensors: The Key to Early Warning Systems and Rapid Response in Natural Disasters

A. Ashwini, Sriram, S. Sangeetha
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 22
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2280-2.ch010
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The emergence of internet of things (IoT) based smart sensors has brought a revolution in disaster management to create early warning systems and to quickly respond to natural disasters. This chapter explores the vital function that these sensors serve, emphasizing how they might improve preparedness and lessen the destructive effects of disasters. It provides vital information that helps communities and authorities to anticipate any flooding events using smart sensors, flood sensors, atmospheric sensors. It emphasizes the necessity of developments in IoT-based smart sensors through case studies and real-world examples. Through an examination of the application of advanced technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning, the chapter highlights how these sensors can sense on changing environmental conditions, improving the precision of early warning systems and response plans. The chapter ends with a discussion of the applications of internet of things-based smart sensors that can successfully address the difficulties brought on by natural catastrophes.
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The advent of the Internet of Things (IoT) in recent years has led to a shift in disaster management, notably in the field of early warning systems and natural disaster response techniques. Smart sensors based on IoT have emerged as critical components in this paradigm shift, providing real-time data collecting, analysis, and distribution capabilities that considerably improve preparedness and response activities. According to the data collected in 2023, the average response time to natural disasters has been greatly shortened by 30% since the use of IoT sensors was implemented. This has resulted in a notable drop in mortality and damage to infrastructure. Disasters caused by nature, which include hurricanes and quakes to flooding and fires in forests, pose significant hazards to people, infrastructure, and economies around the world. It is impossible to stress the importance of timely warnings and prompt response in limiting these hazards (Esposito et al., 2022). Traditional disaster management methods frequently have limits in terms of speed, coverage, and accuracy. The incorporation of IoT-based smart sensors, on the other hand, has transformed this environment by creating a network of networked devices capable of sensing, collecting, and transferring data in real-time.

These smart sensors use cutting-edge technologies, such as wireless connectivity, and algorithms for machine learning, to monitor the surrounding environment and detect anomalies that could indicate a disaster is on the way. These sensors enable the prediction and early detection of natural disasters by gathering and analyzing various data types such as atmospheric changes, seismic activity, water levels, and more (Poslad et al., 2015). Gas and chemical sensors are used to identify potentially dangerous gases and chemicals in the environment, allowing for quick response times to protect the communities that are impacted. After a disaster, structural health sensors evaluate the stability of infrastructure, including buildings and bridges, to assist rescue crews and engineers in identifying dangerous structures and allocating resources accordingly. To protect residents and rescue personnel from radioactive contamination resulting from nuclear accidents or other incidents, radiation sensors are placed in high-risk regions and used to track radiation levels. Debris Monitoring Sensors support the effective cleanup and reconstruction efforts in disaster-affected areas by monitoring and managing debris while guaranteeing the safety of residents and rescue personnel.

Early warning, risk assessment, disaster response, and the general management of such events all depend heavily on the deployment of these many sensors both before and after emergencies. This chapter also highlights the importance of prompt reaction mechanisms made possible by IoT-based smart sensors. These systems use data from past disaster patterns to forecast possible hazards, allowing authorities to quickly launch evacuations and provide the required resources. Furthermore, the use of IoT-based smart sensors enables rapid response mechanisms. These devices not only generate early warnings, but also allow authorities to conduct rapid evacuation processes, efficiently distribute resources, and quickly coordinate emergency response operations. These sensors' real-time information enables decision-makers to take preemptive measures, decreasing reaction times and minimizing the impact of disasters on societies.

The purpose of this chapter is to explore deeper into the transformative impact of IoT-based smart sensors in early warning systems and fast response techniques for natural catastrophes. It delves into the technology advances, operational frameworks, case studies, problems, and future possibilities of these sensors in the development of robust and responsive disaster management systems. Through the investigation of IoT technology's incorporation into early warning systems, this chapter elaborates on the efficient use of real-time data from several sensor networks. The chapter provides a thorough explanation of how smart systems process and analyze data from a network of over 10,000 sensors using sophisticated algorithms to give communities in disaster-prone areas accurate and timely notifications. Finally, the incorporation of IoT-based smart sensors represents a paradigm shift in emergency response and preparedness, with the potential to save lives, safeguard infrastructure, and boost local resilience in the face of catastrophes.

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