IoT-Based Smart Accident Detection and Alert System

IoT-Based Smart Accident Detection and Alert System

C. V. Suresh Babu, Akshayah N. S., Maclin Vinola P., R. Janapriyan
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-8098-4.ch019
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The smart accident detection and alert system using IoT is a technical solution that detects accidents and alerts authorities and emergency services. The system mainly relies on sensors, GPS, and Arduino UNO to detect and collect information about the location and severity of the accident. The system then transmits this information in real time to the appropriate authorities using algorithms and protocols, enabling them to respond quickly and effectively, therefore increasing the possibility of saving lives and benefiting road users, emergency services, and transportation authorities in case of accidents.
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Rationale Background

Accidents may happen anywhere, to anybody, at any time. In many circumstances, the difference between life and death depends on how soon medical assistance is provided. Drivers can make sure they get assistance as soon as possible in the event of an accident by installing the smart accident detection and alert system. The smart accident detection and alert system is a technical system that detects accidents and triggers an emergency response in order to ensure the safety of people involved in an accident. The rising rate of road accidents, particularly those involving motor vehicles, is what motivated the development of the accident detection system. These accidents create considerable economic and social consequences, such as medical expenses, lost productivity, and emotional distress.

Road and highway accidents are a major public safety concern. The World Health Organisation (WHO) reports that road traffic accidents are the primary cause of death among young people. Also, it is predicted that by 2030, the cost of road accidents will increase to 5% of global GDP from its current estimate of around 3%. Therefore, finding ways to minimise the frequency of accidents on the road is essential and the smart accident detection and alert system is one such solution.

The system aims to drastically minimalize the rate of road accidents by notifying emergency services when accidents happen. This may considerably decrease the response time of emergency services, which is crucial in saving lives. As shown by studies, the earlier emergency services respond, the better the chances of survival for those involved in an accident.

Furthermore, the system can provide helpful information for accident prevention. Researchers can identify patterns and trends that may be contributing to the occurrence of accidents by analysing the data collected by the system. This data can be used to develop accident prevention strategies, like enhancing road design or implementing stricter traffic rules.

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