Investigation of Operational Characteristics of Mechatronic Systems in Industry 4.0

Investigation of Operational Characteristics of Mechatronic Systems in Industry 4.0

Raul Turmanidze, Predrag V. Dašić, Giorgi Popkhadze
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-2725-2.ch015
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This work presents the results of an analysis of the main expected potential problems that may occur in the implementation of the Industry 4.0 reform. It is proved that the pace and level of development of this reform will largely be determined by the effectiveness of the used mechatronic systems. It has also been established that as a result of systematic miniaturization of the nodes of radio-electronic equipment and microelectronic equipment and microelectronic technology, the main problem of these reforms and the implementation of complex technological processes is instrumental support, especially cutting micro-tools. Therefore, the examples of these micro-tools show methods for improving their performance characteristics.
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To date, almost every scientist in any country knows and is unequivocally recognized that at the beginning of the XXI century the whole world is at the turn of the fourth scientific and technological revolution, which fundamentally should change the style and level of thinking, the rules of life for every person and especially the young generation in all countries of the world. This is due to the fact that according to many scholars and authors of large-profiled studies on the state of the necessary conditions for a worthy meeting of major reforms impending change is evaluated as the most comprehensive and ambitious in the history of mankind. It will be held under the abbreviated name “Industry - 4” (Turmanidze, Bachanadze & Popkhadze, 2017;Turmanidze, Bachanadze & Popkhadze, 2018;Turmanidze, Dašić & Popkhadze, 2018a;Turmanidze, Dašić & Popkhadze, 2018b;Turmanidze, Dašić, Popkhadze & Borodavko, 2018).

During the first industrial revolution, which lasted for more than two centuries for the mechanization of certain operations of industry water and steam were used. As a result, the second revolution based on electricity were created mass production of many products in different areas of the economy. During the third revolution using electronic and information technology production processes have become automated. Now, based on the results of the third revolution is developing the fourth revolution, which is based on digital technologies, the development of which was started in the second half of the last century. It involves a merger of several modern technologies and the disappearance of all boundaries between physical, digital and biological spheres, is the creation of a cyber-physical systems.

In other words, the final goal of the “Industry 4.0” reform is full automation and remote control of complex technological processes and administrative and financial operations by using super modern mechatronic systems (Turmanidze & Gviniashvili, 2011;Tzou, 1998;Van Beek, Erden & Tomiyama, 2010;Wang et al., 2005;Yu et al., 2008;Zhang et al., 2009).

Results of the first three revolutions were general and applicable to all countries, for each enterprise and, in practice, for each person. However, the process of the fourth degree of the revolution and the consistent use of the results of its separate stages in practice will have a peculiar character for various industries. Of course, the basic principles are common, but since each individual branch has its own special modern multicenter and multivariable technology to their design and management will need special knowledge and individual approach.

To create the above-mentioned mechatronic systems, that determine the level and pace of the development of the “Industry 4.0” reform it Requires high-precision technological equipment and special micro-tools for different purposes.

We still in the 90s of the last century made a classification of all the basic micro-tools used in microelectronics and microelectronic technology, which are divided into three main groups. Cutting, mounting and assembly. Each group includes subgroups with different tool sizes and specific areas of their use.

For a significant increase in the reliability of microcircuits and, accordingly, the final product, one more group of micro-tools must be marked - control tools - devices that enable us to check before boarding on the PCB. We can check all the operational characteristics of the microchip that is already installed on electrical, mechanical and thermal changes. We have designed, manufactured, tested and patented several options for such devices for different sizes of microcircuits and their housings. Even the technological equipment-stamps and molds for their production have been created.

Key Terms in this Chapter

VR (Virtual Reality): Is a set of techniques by which computer hardware and software simulate reality, creating an artificial 3D environment and scenario, with the aim of creating the illusion of being in a real-life scene, all for recreation, advertising, experimentation and training. The virtual reality (VR) environment must be designed so that the user, even if he or she is in the virtual world, has the impression of being in the real world. What makes Virtual Reality (VR) so convenient is the fact that this technology meets many human needs, such as: creativity, metamorphosis, the need to explore and stimulate human curiosity to explore and experience the ideal world created by computer simulation. Virtual reality (VR) must provide real-time operation, 3D projection and a user-friendly interface. Virtual reality (VR) is most often realized with 3D graphics and sound effects, special virtual reality programs, user interfaces such as special helmet (HMD), special glasses and gloves and the like. Virtual reality (VR) systems can be classified on the basis of the relationship between the virtual world and users into: Desktop VR type system, egocentric VR type (Immersion VR) type, mixed VR type type etc.

Mechatronics (Mechanisms and Electronics or Mechanics and Electronics): Is the field of technology in which the multidisciplinary approach is applied (i.e., knowledge, skills and concepts in modern mechanical engineering, electronics, electrical engineering, automatic control and software engineering in the development, design and production of new products and production systems). The term mechatronics has become a general synonym for the integration of these technologies and new technological trends in various fields. Examples of mechatronic systems are, for example: various types of automata and hybrid systems, numerically controlled (NC) machines, automatic production lines, flexible manufacturing systems (FMS), integrated and complex technical systems, mechanical products with microprocessor and similar electronic components, and everyday equipment such as such as autofocus cameras, video devices, hard drives, CD players, washing machines, etc. The word “mechatronics” was first used by a senior engineer at Japan's company Yaskawa in 1969.

WDS (Wireless Distribution System): Is a wireless distributed system made up of two or more WAP devices that simultaneously serve clients and communicate wirelessly with each other. The WDS system is most commonly used in situations where there is no direct optical visibility.

AI (Artificial Intelligence): Is a scientific discipline or multidisciplinary field most commonly regarded as a branch of computer science, dedicated to models and systems performance for functions related to human intelligence, such as reasoning and learning. Or AI is the ability of functional units to perform those functions usually associated with human intelligence. that people perform with the help of intelligence, such as reasoning and learning. The basic terms of artificial intelligence are defined by the international standards ISO/IEC 2382-28:1995, ISO/IEC 2382-29:1999 and ISO/IEC 2382-31:1997.

DBMS (Data Base Management System): Is a software system that allows you to define, create, maintain and use databases. The most famous DBMS systems are: ADABAS, dBase, DBOMP, DMS-1100, FoxPro, IDMS, IDS, IMS, INGRES, MDBS, NOMAD, Oracle, QBE, RAPPORT, SQL, SYBASE, TDMS, TOTAL, and more.

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