Investigating the Synergistic Impact of AI and Marketing Within Virtual Tourism Platforms for Millennials: A Review

Investigating the Synergistic Impact of AI and Marketing Within Virtual Tourism Platforms for Millennials: A Review

Jyoti Prakash, Vipin Singh, Amrik Singh, Urvashi Kumari
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 20
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-7122-0.ch020
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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This chapter aims to craft and evaluate personalized, immersive travel experiences tailored specifically for millennial adventurers. Utilizing VR, this exploration transcends traditional boundaries of travel brochures and websites, offering a vibrant leap into captivating, customized virtual destinations. Through the lens of targeted marketing strategies scrutinize how AI's capabilities in content customization and destination recommendation enhance user engagement, influence decision-making, and stimulate travel booking intentions among millennials. This synergistic approach not only redefines how millennials interact with travel content but also seeks to chart a new course in marketing by examining the dynamic interplay between cutting-edge technology and user-centric promotional tactics. Therefore, the outcome of this investigation is poised to offer pioneering insights and strategic frameworks that can revolutionize the marketing of VR tourism platforms. By harnessing the unique preferences and tech-savvy nature of millennials, this study sets the stage for a new era of travel experience, blending the virtual with the visceral in unprecedented ways.
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