Introduction to Smart City and Agricultural Revolution: Big Data and Internet of Things (IoT)

Introduction to Smart City and Agricultural Revolution: Big Data and Internet of Things (IoT)

Rajesh Angadi
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-7030-1.ch007
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In this chapter, a discussion is presented about what Big Data and Internet of Things (IoT) really is and what intricacies are used while building big data and internet of things. Further Big Data and Internet of Things have been used for building an application used for Smart City & Agriculture. A smart city is an urban development vision to integrate multiple information and communication technology (ICT) solutions. Smart city's goal is to improve quality of life with technology to improve the efficiency of services and meet residents' needs. Smart agriculture approach is to develop, transform and reorient agricultural development under new realities of climate change. It increases productivity enhances resilience (adaptation), reduces mitigation with achievement of national food security and development goals. This chapter includes detailed discussion on Smart City and Smart Agriculture along with planning, designing as well as various approaches used to build and implement them effectively.
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At present, most companies store data in inconsistent formats and also the data is scattered on a variety of servers. It is not uncommon to hear the phrase “Data Rich, but Information Poor” in the context of enterprise information systems. (Ferrao, 2006). This graveyard of information makes it extremely difficult to locate a particular data set and make base decisions on it. (Apache Hadoop, 2014).

Figure 1.

Reference model for data visualization: Data visualization relates Business Performance Management (Rajesh Angadi, 2016)

(Source: Designed by Rajesh Angadi)

Many companies are seeing a loss in efficiency and an increase in development costs due to “islands of information”. This is the reason we need a technology called Big Data which works on the three Vs namely Volume, Variety and Velocity. There is a great deal of opportunity if companies can unlock the potential of data by using big data analytics. Big Data and analytics enable enterprises to generate greater insights and improve efficiency or develop new products, services or business models. However, there are many considerations about source of the data to get actionable insights. Successful Big Data and analytics initiatives involve a variety of decisions from mapping business strategy to use cases to making the right technical choices to implement a cost effective system. Organizations also need to consider aspects such as data governance, privacy, organizational change and talent management. As Big Data technologies evolve at a rapid pace and analytics make it possible to extract greater insights, Big Data and analytics are set to become a mainstay in an enterprise.

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