Introduction to Quantum Computing and Its Integration Applications

Introduction to Quantum Computing and Its Integration Applications

Alex Khang, Vugar Abdullayev, Abuzarova Vusala Alyar, Matlab Khalilov, Nazila Ali Ragimova, Yitong Niu
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 21
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1168-4.ch002
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As humans continue to evolve, they discover new worlds. One of them is the Quantum World, one of the main discoveries of the last century. The Quantum World, which is the world of subatomic particles, has gone through great development stages since its first discovery. This process, which started with quantum physics, continues with the application and study of quanta in many different fields. One of the main fields that use the possibilities of quantum theory and quantum mechanics is the field of computer technologies. Today is an era in which the quantum computer, which is considered to be the next generation of computers, continues to be improved. This innovation, which can advance the era of classic computers to the next level, will guide the future technology sector. In the chapter, a very short version of the long history of evolution from the creation of the universe to quantum theory and finally to quantum computing is mentioned, and the main parts of this theory that most need to be known are mentioned.
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1. Introduction

Although various theories have been tried to prove how the universe was created, it is still not completely clear how exactly this process happened. One of the main theories about how the universe started is the Big Bang theory. With the Big Bang, the universe began to form, but before that there was a great void. Another theory is trying to explain this big gap. This is the “Inflation” theory first proposed by Alan in 1979.

Will Kinney, author of An Infinity of Worlds: Cosmic Inflation and the Beginning of the Universe, had this to say about inflation in a related discussion (Kinney, 2022). “Inflation tells us that the time before the Big Bang was extremely cold, almost absolute zero, and everything but space was empty, and that empty space carried the energy that brought the universe to this enormous size and initial state before the Big Bang.” The key word that stands out in this statement will be our keyword. Which is “Energy”. Energy is what existed before and after the universe (Khang & Kali, 2024).

Today, when we think of the main components of the universe, matter and energy come to mind. Energy is one of the properties of matter, but energy can exist without matter. Which is exactly how energy existed in all the empty space before the Big Bang. It is known from physics that “energy is the ability to do work”. And it can exist in potential, kinetic, thermal, electrical, chemical, nuclear, or various other forms. On the other hand, energy can be of different sizes in different places. Here again we need to look back to before the Big Bang. There was a huge gap before the explosion.

Belgian Catholic priest, theoretical physicist, mathematician, astronomer and physics professor Georges Lemaitre, who is called the father of the Big Bang theory (Georges, 1949), argued that “the physical universe was in the beginning a single particle - the 'primordial atom' -” and that it “disintegrated as a result of the explosion into space and time and the universe today led to the expansion that continued until. This theory later became known as the Big Bang. Today, when talking about the creation of the universe, scientists put forward the Big Bang theory, but what actually caused it is still unknown.

A statement by Georges Lemaitre simply says that everything that exists today was contained within a tiny “dot” billions of years ago, which then exploded and grew. This “tiny particle”, which could be called a “ball of energy”, was the beginning of “Everything”. But in fact, in the beginning of everything, there was another topic that is being studied more and more today. It was subatomic particles, not the “primordial atom” proposed by Georges Lemaitre. This constituted the quantum world. The atom, a ball of energy and once known as the smallest existence, it was itself actually composed of smaller particles. Subatomic particles - these were called “quarks”. This is currently the theory - So quarks are the smallest particles and contain nothing - “Hollow particles”. But it is debatable how true the statement is. At one time the smallest particle was the atom, later it was suggested that there were subatomic particles. In other words, energy levels were studied (Khang & Shah et al., 2023).

Energy levels currently studied up to the Quark may indicate that another, smaller particle exists later on. The idea of quarks was proposed in 1964. Evidence of their existence was seen in 1968 in experiments conducted at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC). That is, the existence of quarks is confirmed, they exist but we cannot see them. Quarks are high-level energy points that move quickly. Here again the key word is energy.

In this regard, let's start the topic with Energy, the main component of the Universe. First of all, let's mention such a controversial issue: “According to some, the Universe has no energy. That is equal to zero (Will Kinney, 2022). On the other hand, according to some - including us - the Universe has energy. Energy existed before the universe and still exists, and the universe, everything in it, beings, objects, particles, particles, each has energy.” In this regard, the next parts that we will mention will be in this direction. For an article, we can list the table of contents as follows:

  • 1.

    Energy – Just energy

  • 2.

    Quantum Physics – Fundamental; and a separate concept from Classical Physics

  • 3.

    From Quantum Mechanics to Quantum Computing: About the Modern – next-generation computer – Quantum Computer.

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