Introduction of African Animal Trypanosomosis (AAT)/Nagana

Introduction of African Animal Trypanosomosis (AAT)/Nagana

Monicah W. Maichomo, Caleb Oburu Orenge, Daniel Ochieng Gamba
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-6433-2.ch001
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African animal trypanosomosis (AAT), a livestock disease, also known as Nagana, tsetse fly disease, or tsetse disease, is a widespread tsetse-borne disease complex caused by unicellular protozoan parasites belonging to the genus Trypanosoma. It is one of the major constraints to the expansion of livestock rearing and livestock-based industries in Africa. It also constrains mixed farming, human health, and livelihood in tropical Africa. The tsetse fly is the major vector of the disease. Acute disease is characterized by marked depression, intermittent fever, anorexia, anemia, blood-tinged diarrhea, and adenopathy, sometimes petechiae on mucosa, abortion, and death if not treated. Diagnosis is made by observing trypanosome parasites by direct microscopic examination of blood, lymph nodes, edema fluid, or tissues. Treatment is by chemotherapy and chemoprophylaxis. Control is achieved through vector control treatment using available molecules and use of a few available trypanotolerant breeds of animals.
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Trypanosomosis is a zoonotic disease affecting both humans and livestock, hence the name Human African trypanosomosis (HAT) and Animal African trypanosomosis (AAT) respectively. Different livestock species are affected and the geographic distribution follows that of the tsetse fly vector. Human and livestock hosts coming into contact with the vector are thus infected with a possibility of either developing acute to chronic forms of the disease depending on various factors. This chapter introduces the reader to the dynamics of AAT, including its epidemiology, pathogenesis, symptoms, treatment and control. Further details are however contained in the following specific chapters.

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