Into the Metaverse: Marketing to Gen Z Consumers

Into the Metaverse: Marketing to Gen Z Consumers

Sumeet Singh Lamba, Reena Malik
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-6133-4.ch008
(Individual Chapters)
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Since 2020, the word “metaverse” has gained traction in the technology world. Author Neal Stephenson initially described the possibility of the metaverse in his 1992 sci-fi novel Snow Crash, using it to express an idea of a 3D virtual world. As technology evolves rapidly, a modern-day metaverse will emerge, which will be a fully functional virtual environment wherein our virtual avatars represent us. In today's continuous evolving time, marketing needs to keep pace. With the arrival of Web 3.0, the metaverse is poised to impact the future of marketing in unprecedented ways. As we continue to delve more into an immersed digital marketing ecosystem, the metaverse will become the playground for modern-day marketers. Brands will have a more significant opportunity to participate and lead the conversation in the new environment.
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Key Characteristics

A metaverse, as Gen Z understands it, is an online space created through augmented reality and virtual reality, which exists outside the conventional parameters and expectations of a video game. The product results from Gen Z trends within the gaming ecosystem that carry on in different games to form a more expansive online space. Gen Z players are increasingly focusing more on the social and community aspects of games such as Roblox, Minecraft, and Fortnite than on playing the games themselves. In addition to being spaces for competitive games, these become spaces for Gen Z to socialize and spend time with friends, follow news trends, and consume news and event media through apps, websites, and podcasts. These activities, including interactive play, viewing, and socializing, are all integral to this generation's augmented reality experience.

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