Internet of Traffic Surveillance System (IoTSS) With Genetic Algorithm for Optimized Weather-Adaptive Traffic Monitoring

Internet of Traffic Surveillance System (IoTSS) With Genetic Algorithm for Optimized Weather-Adaptive Traffic Monitoring

V. Valarmathi, S. Dhanalakshmi
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 25
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-5276-2.ch001
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Weather variability poses significant challenges to traffic management systems, impacting road safety and transportation efficiency. In response, this chapter explores the integration of genetic algorithms (GAs) and the internet of things (IoT) for weather-adaptive traffic monitoring. GAs, inspired by natural selection, offer a robust optimization framework for evolving traffic management strategies resilient to changing weather conditions. IoT technology provides real-time data collection and analysis capabilities, facilitating adaptive traffic control based on environmental factors. By synergistically combining GAs and IoT, traffic management systems can dynamically adjust parameters such as traffic signal timings, route assignments, and incident management strategies to optimize traffic flow and safety in diverse weather conditions. This chapter reviews the underlying principles and integration of GAs and IoT offers promising solutions for smarter, safer, and more resilient transportation systems in the face of changing weather patterns and urbanization.
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1. Introduction

In today's rapidly evolving urban landscapes, effective traffic management stands as a critical pillar for ensuring safe, efficient, and sustainable transportation systems. However, the dynamic nature of weather conditions poses significant challenges to traditional traffic monitoring and control mechanisms. Adverse weather events such as rain, snow, fog, and storms can severely impact road visibility, traction, and vehicle maneuverability, leading to increased congestion, accidents, and disruptions in traffic flow. Addressing these challenges requires innovative approaches that can adaptively respond to changing weather conditions and optimize traffic management strategies in real-time.

In recent years, the convergence of two transformative technologies, namely Genetic Algorithms (GAs) and the Internet of Things (IoT), has emerged as a promising solution to the complex problem of weather-adaptive traffic monitoring. GAs, inspired by the principles of natural selection and genetics, offer a robust optimization framework for evolving traffic management strategies that are resilient to varying weather conditions. By mimicking the process of biological evolution, GAs iteratively explore and exploit the solution space, adapting traffic control parameters to minimize congestion, enhance safety, and optimize traffic flow.

Complementing the capabilities of GAs, IoT technology provides the infrastructure for real-time data collection, analysis, and communication within traffic surveillance systems. Through a network of interconnected sensors, cameras, and weather monitoring devices, IoT-enabled traffic management systems can capture detailed information about current weather conditions, road conditions, vehicle movements, and traffic patterns. This rich and dynamic data ecosystem forms the foundation for developing adaptive traffic control strategies that can proactively respond to changing environmental factors.

The synergy between GAs and IoT in the context of weather-adaptive traffic monitoring offers several key advantages. Firstly, GAs provide a flexible and adaptive optimization framework that can efficiently navigate the high-dimensional solution space of traffic management strategies. By encoding traffic control parameters as individuals in a population, GAs iteratively evolve solutions through processes such as selection, crossover, and mutation, gradually improving the performance of traffic management systems over multiple generation (Niazkar et al., 2024).

Secondly, IoT technology facilitates real-time data acquisition and analysis, enabling traffic management systems to capture and process environmental and traffic-related information with unprecedented granularity and accuracy. This wealth of data empowers traffic engineers and decision-makers to make informed, data-driven decisions in response to changing weather conditions, optimizing traffic signal timings, route assignments, and incident management strategies in real-time.

Moreover, the integration of GAs with IoT technology enhances the adaptive capabilities of traffic management systems, enabling them to dynamically adjust to unforeseen weather events and traffic incidents. By continuously monitoring weather forecasts and road conditions, traffic surveillance systems can anticipate potential disruptions and proactively implement preventive measures to mitigate their impact on traffic flow and safety (Chen et al., 2024).

Furthermore, the deployment of weather-adaptive traffic monitoring systems empowered by GAs and IoT technology contributes to the development of smarter and more resilient transportation infrastructures. By optimizing traffic flow, reducing congestion, and enhancing safety, these systems not only improve the quality of life for commuters but also support broader urban sustainability goals, including reducing greenhouse gas emissions, enhancing energy efficiency, and promoting equitable access to transportation resources.

In this chapter, we delve into the integration of Genetic Algorithms and IoT technology for weather-adaptive traffic monitoring, exploring their synergistic capabilities and potential applications in optimizing traffic resilience in diverse weather conditions. We examine the underlying principles of GAs and IoT, discuss their respective roles in traffic management, and highlight emerging trends and research directions in the field. Through case studies, simulations, and real-world implementations, we illustrate the effectiveness and benefits of combining GAs and IoT technology in weather-adaptive traffic monitoring, paving the way for smarter, safer, and more sustainable transportation systems in the future.

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