Internet of Things Technologies: Assessing Factors Influencing Consumer Intention to Use

Internet of Things Technologies: Assessing Factors Influencing Consumer Intention to Use

Liew Chung Sim, Ang Ju Min, Goh Yee Teen, Koh Wai Kin, Tan Shy Yin, Teh Ru Yi
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-4772-4.ch003
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The aim of this research is to examine factors influencing consumer acceptance of internet of things technology (IoT) guiding by the technology acceptance model (TAM). This quantitative research involves 204 respondents approached via convenience sampling at a public higher learning institution. Data was analyzed using multiple regression, and results revealed that the dimension of perceived usefulness is the most influencing factor on the consumers' acceptance of IoT technology and consumers' behavioural intention to use. In the Malaysian context, this research provides additional information in narrowing the research gap with regard to understanding behavioural intention to use the IoT technology. Next, the framework will be used for future exploration to address the issue of how people who have never utilized an IoT innovation react.
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Literature Review

This section review literature related to perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, trust, social influence, perceived enjoyment, perceived behavioural control, behavioural intention to use.

Perceived Usefulness

Perceived usefulness refers to a person believes that using a specific system would develop his or her job enactment (Davis, 1989). This study believes that the control to attract users lies in the technology’s usability and usefulness. Consumers are only willing to accept transformation if those transformation provides a distinctive advantage (Rogers, 1995). Additionally, the perceived usefulness of IoT technologies are likely to be high because their service convenience would definitely increase consumer’s satisfaction level. This will somehow affecting consumers perceptions towards enhanced performance as well as affects consumers intention. However, perceived usefulness also depends on the services IoT technologies offered such as faster processes, convenience, transferring money abroad, obtaining relevant information and also maintaining their efficiency (Wang, Lei, & Li, 2013).

The IoT technology is beneficial to consumers in so many ways. The TAM indicates that perceived usefulness is a significant factor of behaviour aim to use. (Lee, Park, Chung, & Blakeney, 2012). Similarly, perceived usefulness is an essential aspect in determining adaptation of advances. As a consequence, the greater the perceived usefulness of using the IoT technologies, the more likely the IoT technologies will be adopted by consumers. Hence, this study proposes that:

H1: Perceived usefulness has a positive influence on the behavioural intention to use IoT technologies.

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