Internet of Things-Integrated Remote Patient Monitoring System: Healthcare Application

Internet of Things-Integrated Remote Patient Monitoring System: Healthcare Application

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-6894-4.ch008
(Individual Chapters)
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Remote monitoring technologies are required to remotely monitor patients. The internet of things allows for remote monitoring of smart devices and apps, but sensors are used to track ECG, pressure, weight, and cardiac rate. IoT infrastructure enables intelligent devices to remotely monitor health and advise on medical concerns in an emergency. Heart disease is the leading cause of mortality, and in order to enhance medical services and lower the death rate, social insurance must be made mandatory. This chapter presents a low-cost, portable remote system for patient monitoring based on the ESP32 MCU and WiFi.
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Technological Background

The most crucial elements are that a system with numerous wireless sensors is being developed to monitor and transmit health-related data such as body temperature, blood pressure, saline level, and heart rate via the internet for other users to access. This will allow for the creation and documentation of a patient's health database, which will be important for doctor analysis. Based on past database readings, this study proposes a health-monitoring system that analyses parameters and diagnoses health concerns. When certain threshold values are exceeded in an emergency, alerts are generated to assist doctors in taking the essential steps (Imtyaz Ahmed & Kannan, 2022).

Sensors in next-generation smart phones and intelligent devices measure ECG, systolic pressure, diastolic pressure, and pulse rate. This study examines current works on health assessment systems and IOT, which entail connecting devices to automatically gather and analyse data in order to produce intelligent data. The Internet of Things (IoT) is a concept that entails linking objects in order for data to be automatically retrieved and processed. Advances in medical science technology will assist doctors in taking proper steps to avoid deterioration and keep patients from acquiring health issues. Because of poor socioeconomic position, a lack of knowledge about health practices, and limited access to medical services, rural regions have a higher mortality rate (Philip et al., 2021). Rural public health centers lack medical practitioners and facilities, resulting in frequent diseases and serious health concerns. This has occurred in rural regions. IoT has enhanced the use of technology in healthcare, with low-cost wearable sensors and healthcare systems now readily available for personalized application. This is the outcome of extensive research and significant financial investment (Habib et al., 2015).

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