Internet of Things-Empowered Next-Generation Healthcare Systems

Internet of Things-Empowered Next-Generation Healthcare Systems

J. Manga, V. J. K. Kishor Sonti
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-9132-1.ch012
(Individual Chapters)
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Internet of things is seen in many fields like civil engineering, consumer goods, oil and gas fields, smart cities, agriculture, etc. Apart from these, it is applicable to the medical field to detect and treat many kinds of diseases and can find the different health parameters quickly. It became important in the health sector to mitigate the challenges of health problems. Internet of things (IoT) is an amalgamation of pervasive computing, intelligent processing, and real-time response systems. Mechanics, devices, sensors make this machine-to-machine communication a feasible solution to dynamic requirements of tech-aspiring world. This chapter highlights the possibilities of further empowerment of healthcare systems using IoT or in other words IoMT (internet of medical things). Nanotechnology-driven IoT development or internet of nano things (IoNT) has become an added advantage in healthcare applications. So, IoNT with IoMT is another exciting research prospect of the near future. This chapter introduces a technique used in healthcare applications, PUF (physical unclonable function), and it is technique for solving many problems related to privacy and security. Security of data transmission, issues pertinent to reliability, and inter-operability are inherently affecting the progress of IoT-based healthcare systems. This chapter of focuses upon these issues and feasible solutions viewed from the dimension of technology-driven healthcare costs in the modern world and economic implications. The treatment used in this chapter will be more interesting for the casual readers. The analysis of IoMT implications in the near future will be helpful to the ardent learners. The research dimensions of IoT-empowered healthcare systems will add value to the thought process of young researchers.
Chapter Preview

Overview Of Internet Of Things (Iot):

Internet of things (IoT) changed the way we think, we learn and we live. It will be foretelling that by the year 2025, all devices can be associated with the internet, causes to increase more devices connected to it. From the CISCO point of view, by the year 2030, the no of devices will be connected to the internet can be increased by 500 billion devices. In this regard IoT can be connected to health care devices to mitigate the challenges of health issues. Present health sector became more important with the pandemic situation and humans wants health care virtually rather than consulting a doctor directly. IoT playing a vital role in health sector to connect different health care devices for monitoring of patient’s health parameters. In this chapter it is showing that, the IoT is used in healthcare systems for the coming generation. In the IoT system, sensors will be used to connect the devices and can be sensed human body by connecting it to him. There are more technologies has been developed for connecting all devices to the internet like BAN (Body area network), WBAN (Wireless body area network), WSN (Wireless sensor networks), BSN (Body sensor networks), Artificial neural networks etc. by using above methodologies, Ubiquitous computing, resource management, quality of service, real time wireless health monitoring, information security, power savings are possible. The basic IoT architecture is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1.

IoT Architecture


In the IoT architecture, there are four layers viz, sensing layer, network layer, data processing layer and application layer (Pradyumna Gokhale, 2018).

They are explicating as follows:

  • 1.

    Sensing layer: It consists of sensors, actuators, devices and acquires data from corporeal and environs variables, undertaking it and fed to network layer.

  • 2.

    Network layer: this layer consists of internet gateways/network gateways, and data acquisition system. DAS collects the data and converts the data from analog to digital form. Gateways are used to establish the connection between sensors and internet also performs gateways functionalities like malware protection, filtering, decision making and information processing etc.

  • 3.

    Data processing layer: Here data has to be investigated and initialized before sending to application layer where data have been examined by software applications and further it will be monitored and managed.

  • 4.

    Application layer: It is the last layer of IoT model where data centers and cloud management presents can be used at the last stage having applications like healthcare, agriculture, forming, defense and aerospace etc.


Role Of Iot In Healthcare

“Health is Wealth” perhaps the best old lesson learnt in the new normal created by pandemic since 2019. Developed and developing countries are investing huge amount on reinforcement of “Healthcare systems” and obligatory “Health Infrastructure”. Few nations are proactive in their health care approach across the globe. The recent ongoing pandemic taught tough lessons to nations about the significance of developing robust healthcare systems.

Day by day healthcare challenges have been increasing with the increase of diseases, aging of population, limited capabilities of hospitals and medical practitioners. Different situations demand different approaches. A situation created by a pandemic is worst to imagine and face. Recently, world has been going through the covid-19 pandemic. The implications and effect on human race are still unmeasured. Covid-19 in other words Coronavirus has affected millions of lives across the globe financially, psychologically and physically.

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