Internet of Things Applications Architecture for Industrial Interoperability Business Service

Internet of Things Applications Architecture for Industrial Interoperability Business Service

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-6971-2.ch002
(Individual Chapters)
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Wireless sensor data communication networks (WSNs) based on the Internet of Things (IoT) technology have many potential applications for the industrial world. The IoT paradigm encompasses ubiquitous computing, pervasive computing, data communication protocols, sensing technologies, and embedded devices, and they merge selectively to form an information system where the physical and digital worlds meet. They can serve different categories of business services through continuous symbiotic interactions. In this way, the formed interconnected information system, through the Internet, exchanges data and information to create services that bring tangible benefits to the industrial world and its supply chain operations. This chapter presents a system architecture (i.e., Apparel Business Decentralized Data Integration (ABDDI)) and its knowledge representation scheme, based on formal languages – Description Logics (DLs), to address the needs of formal information modeling and reasoning for web-based services provision using ontology. Finally, the chapter presents an example of the experimental result of service composition ontology's similarity assessment.
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Humanity dwells on earth with ambitious goals to manage and mitigate unprecedented social, economic, and environmental challenges. Science, technology, and innovation play an enormous role in realizing these ambitious goals to improve human living conditions. The process of creative destruction started by technological progress can help change economies and improve living conditions by increasing productivity, reducing production costs and produced goods prices, and helping to raise real wages. One of the essential ingredients to create a better world is using technology to move forward and unprecedented change in its scope and pace of daily life.

Harnessing the frontier of technologies helps to mitigate the persistent gaps between developing and developed nations in getting and using existing technologies. It also creates and delivers innovations (including non-technological and new forms of social innovation), which could be transformative in creating sustainable development goals and producing more prosperous, inclusive, and healthy human societies. In this way, society gets required solutions and opportunities for sustainable development that are better, cheaper, faster, scalable, and easy to use. The extent of technological development impact has already ushered in the transformative implications of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in many countries worldwide. However, these new technologies are often threatening to outpace the capability of societies and policymakers to adapt to the changes they can create, giving rise to widespread anxiety and ambivalence or hostility to some technological advances.

One of the central questions of where ideas come from is on the mind of researchers visiting a research laboratory, a painter’s workshop, or an inventor’s experimental laboratory. It is the secret human society hopes to see – the magic that happens when new things are born. This way, it is possible to provide creativity, like the discovery of millimeter radio waves by Professor Jagadish Chandra Bose (Sarkar, 2006). Today the world is witnessing the tremendous influence of wireless communication technology on daily working activities. Three great scientific minds heavily influence modern wireless telecommunications - James Clerk Maxwell (Mahon, 2004), Jagadish Chandra Bose (Sarkar et al., 2006), and Tim Berners-Lee (Berners-Lee, 2000). James Clerk Maxwell provided the theoretical foundation of electromagnetic wave propagation; Jagadish Chandra Bose showed his colleagues the transmission of millimeter waves by transmitting this new type of waves in Presidency College (Kolkata, India) laboratory; and Tim Berners-Lee created the World Wide Web at CERN (Geneva, Switzerland). Today's computer data communication network is at once intangible and constantly mutated, growing larger and more complex with each passing second. Many of the world's business community uses this incredible network of networks for day-to-day work.

The advent of development and adoption of new technologies in recent decades is continuing, and this continuation is driven by: (i) the cumulative nature of technological change; (ii) the exponential nature of technologies such as microchips that are doubled in power every two years for more than half a century; (iii) the convergence of technologies into new combinations; (iv) drastic reduction in costs of production; (v) the emergence of digital “platforms of platforms” – most prominently the Internet; and (v) adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) techniques, the Internet of Things (IoT), and cognitive technologies have successfully been applied to various industrial applications (Zhao & Kumar, 2021). In addition, IoT has paved the way for many industrial application domains while posing several challenges as many devices, protocols, communication channels, architectures, and middleware exist. Big data generated by these devices calls for advanced machine learning (ML) and data mining techniques to understand, learn effectively, and reason with this volume of information, such as cognitive technologies. Cognitive technologies play a significant role in developing successful cognitive systems which mimic “cognitive” functions associated with human intelligence, such as “learning” and “problem-solving”.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Internet of Things: Internet of Things (IoT) means networks of things, software, sensors, network connectivity, and embedded ‘things or physical objects. It collects or exchanges data. IoT makes objects sensed or controlled through a network infrastructure, supports integration between physical real world and automated information systems, and brings various effects such as improved productivity or economy in manufacturing industries.

Description Logic: Description logics (DL) are a family of formal knowledge representation languages. Many DLs are more expressive than propositional logic, but less expressive than first-order logic.

Supply Chain Management: Supply chain management encompasses the planning and management of all activities involved in sourcing, procurement, manufacturing, and distribution. Importantly, it also includes coordination and collaboration with channel partners, which can be suppliers, intermediaries, third-party service providers, and customers. Supply chain management integrates supply and demand management within and across companies.

RFID Tag: An RFID tag (or transponder), typically consisting of an RF coupling element and a microchip that carries identifying data. Tag functionality may range from simple identification to being able to form an ad hoc network.

Web Ontology Language (OWL): The Web Ontology Language (OWL) is a semantic mark-up language for publishing and sharing ontologies on the Web. OWL is developed as a vocabulary extension of RDF (the Resource Description Framework) and is derived from the DAML + OIL Web Ontology Language.

Semantic Web service: A Semantic Web Service, like conventional web services, is the server end of a client-server system for machine-to-machine interaction via the Web. Semantic services are a component of the semantic Web because they use mark-up which makes data machine-readable in a detailed and sophisticated way (as compared with human-readable HTML which is usually not easily “understood” by computer programs).

Ontology: Information sharing among supply chain business partners using information systems is an important enabler for supply chain management. There are diverse types of data to be shared across the supply chain, namely – order, inventory, shipment , and customer service . Consequently, information about these issues needs to be shared to achieve efficiency and effectiveness in supply chain management. In this way, information-sharing activities require that human and / or machine agents agree on common and explicit business-related concepts (the shared conceptualization among hardware / software-agents, customers, and service providers) are known as explicit ontologies; and this help to exchange data and derived knowledge out of the data to achieve collaborative goals of business operations.

RFID Reader: An RFID transceiver, providing real and access to RFID tags information.

EPC: Electronic Product Code (EPC), is a low-cost RFID tag designed for consumer products as a replacement for the universal product code (UPC).

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