Internet of Things and Robotic Applications in the Industrial Automation Process

Internet of Things and Robotic Applications in the Industrial Automation Process

Seeja G., Obulakonda Reddy R., Korupalli V. Rajesh Kumar, S. S. L. C. H. Mounika, Reddy Madhavi K.
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-3375-8.ch004
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The recent industrial scenarios project its advancements and developments with the intervention of integrated technologies including internet of things (IoT), robotics, and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. Industrial 4.0 revolutions have broken the barriers of all restricted industrial boundaries with the act of those interdisciplinary concepts and have taken a keen part in industrial development. Incorporation of these advancements considerably helps in improving product efficiency and in reducing the production cost. Based on categories of production, industrial automation processes may vary. In this regard, robots are playing a vital role to automate the production process at various levels of industrial operations. The combination of IoT, robotics, and AI technologies enhances the industrial productivity towards getting the success rate. This chapter focuses on how robotic technology with IoT and AI methods enhances the limitations of various industrial applications.
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The present technology is a mature technology where all the faults and problems are solved instantly even before its occurrence. In early days to resolve an issue, it depends on many factors, based on the technology, knowledge, skills, resource and time. Advancement bought all the working techniques into a single channel framework based on needs. Coming to Robotics and its development, past two, three decades back robots, exactly when robots are at the development stage, simple logic-based robots come as first version bots. Those robots are used to carry small things or track following robots etc. When technologies changes occurred, development of electronics, semiconductors, VLSI technology, embedded systems, and also computer designs, computer vision, simulation tools, machine learning and artificial intelligence all together enhanced the shape of Robotics as an interesting revolutionary concept. With all these integrated technologies, robots become much powerful than humans in some case studies, even in the industrial sectors, robots are replacing and working without human intervention. Internet of Things development is one of the causes of robots taking space in the growth of industrial productivity.

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