Internationalization Strategies of FAANG

Internationalization Strategies of FAANG

Ameya Anil Patil, Sangram Girigosavi
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1155-4.ch014
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Internationalization is the process of expanding an enterprise's presence in global marketplaces. This chapter talks about internationalization and some internationalization strategies, and then discusses some of the internationalization strategies used by FAANG, comprising Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, and Google, the five best-performing USA tech stocks. The strategies discussed can serve as lessons for entrepreneurs worldwide desirous of expanding their global footprints, especially in the technology sector. Some of the key internationalization strategies found in this work include localization, acquisitions, innovation, and customer-centricity. The strategies that FAANG companies adopt to expand internationally in this digital era can serve as a model for other businesses. Their outstanding capability to penetrate various marketplaces while maintaining their fundamental values and line of business is illustrative of their adaptability and their focus in the long term.
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In academic studies and business literature, internationalization—the practice of extending corporate operations across national borders—has received a lot of attention. The insights derived from previous research are compiled in this review to highlight the key aspects of business internationalization plans. Additionally, the globalization tactics employed by the major technology conglomerates, sometimes referred to as FAANG (Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, and Google), have garnered considerable attention from both academia and industry players. Hence, another section of the background study provides light on the diverse strategies used by digital enterprises like FAANG to increase their worldwide footprint.

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