International Lessons and Adaptations Examining Global CBDC Implementations and Extracting Insights for India's Digital Rupee

International Lessons and Adaptations Examining Global CBDC Implementations and Extracting Insights for India's Digital Rupee

Amit Kumar, Vinit Sikka
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1882-9.ch014
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This chapter analyzes global central bank digital currency (CBDC) implementations to inform India's digital rupee development. By examining case studies from China, Sweden, and the Bahamas, it seeks to understand the successes, challenges, and strategies behind CBDCs. The focus is on technological, regulatory, and economic aspects, aiming to offer actionable insights for India's unique context. This comparative study aims to equip policymakers and financial experts with knowledge to navigate India's CBDC journey, emphasizing learning from global practices to address challenges and capitalize on opportunities for a smooth and impactful digital rupee rollout.
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The digital age has ushered in a transformative era for global finance, prominently featuring the advent of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs). CBDCs, which are the digital equivalent of a country's fiat currency, are issued and regulated by the nation's central bank. This innovative approach to currency aims to modernize financial systems, facilitating more efficient transactions, enhancing financial inclusion, and securing the financial ecosystem against emerging digital threats. As nations across the globe explore CBDCs, their potential to reshape monetary policy, banking, and everyday financial transactions becomes increasingly significant. This chapter introduces the concept of CBDCs, underscores their global relevance, and sets the stage for a deeper exploration of their implications, especially in the context of India's evolving digital financial landscape.

Overview of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs)

CBDCs are at the forefront of financial technology innovation, offering a digital alternative to traditional cash. By integrating advancements in blockchain technology, CBDCs provide a secure, efficient, and transparent method for monetary transactions. There are two primary categories of CBDCs: wholesale, aimed at facilitating transactions between financial institutions and the central bank, and retail, designed for use by the general public. The emergence of CBDCs is driven by the necessity to update payment infrastructures, reduce operational costs, ensure transactional security, and maintain the sovereignty of national currencies in a digital world increasingly influenced by cryptocurrencies.

Figure 1.

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Through CBDCs, central banks aim to address these challenges, leveraging digital technologies to enhance the functionality and inclusivity of modern financial systems.

Rationale for Investigating CBDCs

The rationale for studying CBDCs is rooted on the formation of the cross-section of technology and financial sector development CBDCs represent a radical innovation in banking and monetary policy that is expected to bring more efficiency in transactions, a higher level of financial inclusion, and a more secure financial system. However, with the development of digital economies, the traditional financial systems are characterized with four major challenges in terms of speed, cost, accessibility and interoperability. The idea of CBDCs is to address these problems with the use of digital technology that would provide a secure state-based alternative both to cash and other digital payment tools.

The research of CBDCs is also motivated by the desire to determine how they can affect traditional banking, monetary policy implication, and transmission mechanisms. Given the rise of digital currencies from private entities (such as cryptocurrencies and stablecoins), central banks are pushed to discover CBDCs to retain monetary policy and financial stability within nation-states. Second, CBDCs might have a significant role in fighting financial crimes along with increasing the traceability of transactions.

In addition, the typology of the global CBDC development terrain depicts various approaches taken by countries in various stages of exploration and implementation. This diversity presents a rare possibility to discuss the comparative models, technological frameworks, regulatory issues, and socio-economic repercussions of CBDCs. Investigating CBDCs is vital for countries like India because they can design a digital rupee that best fits their large and diverse economic landscape, while also combating problems such as financial inclusion and digital infrastructure.

In general, the elaboration of CBDCs is not only about technological progress, but it is also an all-round assessment of how the digital currencies can transform financial systems in order to be more egalitarian, effective, and secure. This study will offer the essential strategy for navigating the potential and perils of CBDCs to policymakers, financial organizations, and the population as they seek to shift to a more digital monetary system.

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