Intelligent Agrometeorological Advisory System

Intelligent Agrometeorological Advisory System

Shirish Khedikar, Ved Prakash Singh, Jimson Mathew, Vaibhavi Bandi
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-3981-4.ch013
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Agrometeorological inputs to the agriculture can play a significant role, mainly in the countries like India, where agriculture and allied sectors are the key pillars of its economy. To facilitate substantial growth in the sector and to improve the socio-economic status of farmers, it becomes inevitable to advise the agri-user community on how best they can avail the advantages of the meteorological parameters and to minimize the damage to agriculture, livestock, caused due to hazardous weather elements. Operationally useful forecast of meteorological variables that are important to current farming operations together with agriculture interpretations are essential to achieve the goal, and ultimately to deliver the customized agrometeorological advisory service. Moreover, inclusion of intelligent technological developments such as artificial intelligence and natural language processing can enrich these services at its best for the wellness of farmer's community, such as providing farm-specific advice in the farmer's local language.
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Climate Abnormalities That Cause Crop Damage

Primary climate abnormalities, which cause crop damage, are described below:

  • 1.


Figure 1.

Cracked soil texture due to the rought


Drought has been identified as the leading cause of agricultural production losses. Drought is responsible for about 34% of crop and livestock production losses in Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and Low-to-Middle-Income Country (LMIC), costing the sector USD 37 billion in total. Drought mostly affects agriculture; it accounts for 82 percent of all drought effects, compared to 18 percent in all other industries.

Figure 2.

(a) Heat stress during summer, and (b) Fog and cold waves during winters

  • 2.

    Heat wave and cold wave: Extreme heat has an impact on a variety of agricultural areas. Heat waves have a significant influence on livestock. During heat waves, millions of birds have died. During heat waves, milk production and cattle reproduction can suffer. Extreme heat has a negative influence on pigs as well. We do know that high temperatures at the wrong time inhibits a crop yield. Wheat, rice, maize, potato, and soybean crop yields can all be significantly reduced by extreme high temperatures at key development stages. Primary effects of high temperature are:

    • a.

      Membrane stability affected

    • b.

      Imbalance between photosynthesis and respiration

    • c.

      Declining of photosynthesis than respiration

    • d.

      PSII affected more than PS1

    • e.

      RuBisCO, RuBisCO activase, PEP carboxylase

    • f.

      C3 plants affected more than C4 plants

    • g.

      Increased PUFA

    • h.

      Increased Hormones – ABA & Ethylene

Figure 3.

(a) Affected plant leaves due to excessive sunlight, and (b) due to low sunlight

  • 3.

    Excessive sunlight or low sunlight

Category wise, some of the direct effects of UV-B radiation on plants are:

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