Integration of Robotic Process Automation With Blockchain Technology

Integration of Robotic Process Automation With Blockchain Technology

Priyanka Budania, Gaurav Lodha, Garvita Garvita
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-7193-7.ch008
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The impact of digital transformation is spreading across global marketplaces and sectors. Blockchain, robotic process automation (RPA), and artificial intelligence (AI) have a huge amount of potential to deal with every sector. Blockchain, RPA, and AI are seeing increasing adoption across multiple market segments. The integration of technologies offers the possibility to produce more intelligent, secure, efficient, and safe systems than those that already exist. Innovative technologies are improving responsiveness in terms of intellectual thinking and seeing within the limits of time act. This chapter gives a brief explanation of the integration of blockchain and RPA and how it is beneficial for digital finance and the business sector. Blockchain has the power to store massive data and it is interesting to see what are the methods and systems in which blockchain is used with artificial intelligence and robotic process automation. It can be said that shortly blockchain technology will be used in different domains of the technology sector with the help of AI and RPA.
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What Is Robotic Process Automation (Rpa)

Robotic process automation is the automation of using gear or software that performs a variety of functions much like a human worker would. This can speed up processes and significantly eliminate human error, which can significantly save labor costs and boost efficiency.

A process with several phases and applications, such as receiving forms, sending a receipt message, reviewing the forms for accuracy, filing them in a folder, and updating a spreadsheet with the form's name, the date it was filed, etc., may be taught to the robot. RPA software is intended to lessen the workload that repeated, easy activities place on workers.

RPA facilitates the creation and implementation of bots to enter the workforce, and more specifically, for bots and other automation software to start engaging in accounting and financial activities, and a key aspect of the research conducted as part of this chapter is the reality that RPA can and frequently is viewed as a genuine stepping stone toward full-fledged artificial intelligence. Consider RPA to be a bridge or midway point between existing technologies and systems and full-fledged AI platforms.

Figure 1.


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