Integration of Media and New Literacies in Teacher Education Programs: Preparing Teachers to Adapt to New Literacies

Integration of Media and New Literacies in Teacher Education Programs: Preparing Teachers to Adapt to New Literacies

Maria Dolores Lasso
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-5022-2.ch009
(Individual Chapters)
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Preparing teachers to meet the challenges of an ever changing and growing multicultural and diverse population of students must become a focus of attention when thinking about the 21st century teacher education. The purpose of this study is to explore how three different teacher education programs are facing the challenge of preparing teachers to incorporate visual texts and diverse forms of literacy as they prepare to become educators. Literature about teacher identity development, teacher education, and teacher literacy education was reviewed to provide an understanding of the notions around the new of incorporation of new literacies as a way to engage future education professionals in the current challenges of the professional practice.
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Teacher education faces the challenge of preparing professionals using the past experiences to confront the future challenges that new generations of an ever evolving society must confront. Teachers are required to adapt and adjust the way they think and the way they teach as a way to respond to their students’ needs, in many cases teacher education programs fail to adjust fast enough to provide future teachers with enough strategies and tools for them to become flexible and adaptable learners as their students’ needs continuously change (Cochran-Smith & Zeichner, 2005). As teachers adopt new literacies as part of their professional identity development their understandings about literacy education evolve as well as their teacher identity. In order for future teachers to be able to construct their professional identity, adapt and adjust their perceptions, knowledge and skills to meet their students’ needs they need to start by learning about themselves, reflecting about their positionalities and beliefs in order to be able to understand others and the culturally diverse environment that today’s educational settings embrace (Beijaard, Meijer & Verloop, 2004). The first part of this literature review explains the relevance of providing future teachers with opportunities to explore their teacher identity during their professional education process as means to identify their individual strengths and weaknesses before confronting the complex and demanding social environments that house educational settings. In the second section, the literature review focuses on teacher education by presenting several viewpoints of what is currently taking place and the challenges of teacher education to effectively respond to the society demands. Finally it explains what teacher education should consider when focusing on incorporating new literacies as way for preparing teachers for the current and future needs of Literacy Education.

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