Integration of Artificial Intelligence for Economic Optimization in Modern Sustainable Power Systems

Integration of Artificial Intelligence for Economic Optimization in Modern Sustainable Power Systems

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 26
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-3735-6.ch007
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The global energy landscape is shifting towards sustainability due to environmental concerns and technological advancements. This transformation involves integrating renewable energy sources, smart grid technologies, and data-driven strategies to create modern sustainable power systems. Artificial intelligence (AI) is at the core of this transition, potentially revolutionizing electricity generation, distribution, and consumption. AI is transforming sustainable power systems by optimizing resource allocation, improving load forecasting, and enhancing grid management. Future trends include AI advancement, grid decentralization, and smart city integration. This chapter encourages further research and innovation in AI-powered sustainable power systems, promising a more efficient and resilient energy future.
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Modern sustainable power systems focus on efficient and environmentally friendly electricity distribution and generation, integrating modern technology, sustainable energy sources, and data-driven tactics. As global awareness of climate change increases, these systems contribute to reducing emissions, grid reliability, and promoting a sustainable energy future by using renewable energy instead of conventional fossil fuels (Peyghami et al., 2020). Innovative technologies and grid enhancements make renewable energy more accessible and cost-effective (Akram et al., 2020). Artificial intelligence and smart grid technologies support the use of sophisticated grid management techniques in modern sustainable power systems. Grid dependability and operational efficiency are increased by these technologies, which also allow for real-time monitoring, predictive maintenance, load forecasting, and grid optimization. They also prioritize environmental considerations, minimizing emissions and adhering to strict regulations (Zhang et al., 2022). These systems also focus on preserving ecosystems and natural habitats, promoting responsible land use and minimal ecological impact. Harmonizing energy production with the environment, a reliable power supply, and a decrease in service interruptions is the ultimate goal (Iqbal et al., 2021).

Elements of power systems sustainability are demand-side management and energy efficiency, which maximize energy utilization, reduce waste, and save energy expenditures. Demand-side management promotes load reduction initiatives among customers during peak hours, which has positive effects for the economy and environment. Efficient energy usage reduces costs and carbon emissions. The future of sustainable power systems will be shaped by technological advancements like deep learning, quantum computing, and data analytics (Shair et al., 2021). Grid decentralization, IoT integration, and smart city initiatives will create interconnected power networks, promoting a cleaner, cleaner, and more sustainable energy future, aligning with global climate change and environmental protection.

Modern sustainable power systems and AI technologies are revolutionizing the energy sector by integrating renewable energy sources. AI manages the intermittency and variability of sources like wind and solar power, optimizing their utilization through real-time weather data, demand patterns, and generation forecasts (Babatunde et al., 2020). As a result, there is less need for fossil fuel backup and a decrease in carbon emissions due to a more steady and predictable energy supply.This holistic approach to environmental responsibility, operational efficiency, and grid resilience is at the core of this synergy. AI-driven load forecasting is a crucial aspect of sustainable power systems, predicting electricity demand accurately using historical data, weather forecasts, and economic indicators. This allows utilities to adjust their strategies, reducing overproduction and grid congestion. By integration and management grid monitoring and control, identifying and responding to interruptions, guaranteeing stability, and reducing downtime, artificial intelligence (AI) further improves grid resilience. This resilience is vital in the face of extreme weather events and cybersecurity threats (Ahmad et al., 2021).

By evaluating environmental issues and assisting businesses in aligning their operations with sustainability goals and regulatory requirements, AI acting a serious part in attaining environmental sustainability in modern power systems. AI also supports the incorporation of methods for storing energy, storing excess energy and releasing it when needed, improving grid stability and reducing carbon emissions by decreasing reliance on fossil fuel power plants. As AI's role in sustainable power systems expands, advancements in deep learning, quantum computing, and data analytics will enhance its accuracy and capabilities (Yap et al., 2020). Grid decentralization, distributed energy resources, and smart cities will redefine energy generation, management, and consumption, promoting a more sustainable, resilient, and efficient energy landscape (Abdalla et al., 2021). AI-powered sustainable power systems are revolutionizing the energy industry by integrating renewable energy sources, smart grid technologies, and advanced data analytics for a cleaner, more efficient, and resilient future. As AI advances, sustainable power systems will continue to improve, enhancing our ability to combat climate change and ensure sustainable energy supply for future generations (Yang et al., 2020).

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