Integrating Cycle of Prochaska and DiClemente With Ethically Responsible Behavior Theory for Social Change Management: Post-COVID-19 Social Cognitive Perspective for Change

Integrating Cycle of Prochaska and DiClemente With Ethically Responsible Behavior Theory for Social Change Management: Post-COVID-19 Social Cognitive Perspective for Change

Ansar Abbas, Dian Ekowati, Fendy Suhariadi, Rakotoarisoa Maminirina Fenitra, Mochammad Fahlevi
Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 26
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-8856-7.ch007
(Individual Chapters)
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Humans could never have predicted what would happen as a result of COVID-19. Indeed, such foresight was not expected. It can also be stated that planning to combat COVID-19 was beyond human capacity. However, the future may be foretold by seeing many aspects that we have experienced. Current values, styles of working, social systems, organizational transformations, and human behavior have all been altered due to the epidemic. Those changes will sustain the anticipated direction. This chapter goes into change cycle theory and how COVID-19 affected current social norms. Initially, the idea was integrated with social norms, but social cognition impacts were analogized as they progressed. It is interwoven with the goal that ethically social responsibility developments will assist in the design of a post-COVID-19 society approach. It is expected that we would be able to strategically carry some of the benefits of social awareness gained during COVID-19 for a brighter future in the post-COVID-19 age.
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Purpose Of The Study

Academics, scholars, and practitioners can all benefit from studies that persuade their audience to consider a perspective within a current paradigm. Here, we will look at how ethically responsible theory can be combined to achieve even greater societal good and change social norms. According to the review, this study's findings could help unleash the theory's untapped potential for leadership development.

Justification of the Study

Many aspects of covid-19 have been studied in depth (Brodeur et al., 2021; Gallo Marin et al., 2021; Pokhrel & Chhetri, 2021). However, there is no comprehensive depiction of societal standards that could be altered in the future after a significant shift has already occurred. So that people can once again have faith in the same social norms we had before the pandemic.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Social Cognition: Social cognition is how humans process, recall and use the information to explain and anticipate their own and others' behavior.

Social Fabric: Social Fabric is the web of interactions and connections that binds us all together as a society.

Social Norms: Social norms are unwritten laws of acceptable ideas, attitudes, and behaviors within a social group or society.

Change Cycle: The change cycle is referred to stages of preparation for implementation that should focus on the change: unfreezing, implementing, and refreezing.

Ethically Responsible Behavior for Change: The notion of ethically responsible change considers ethics and responsibility intact during any social change affecting individuals or society.

Post COVID-19: The expected time is after the covid-19 virus emergency has passed; a new normal is predicted.

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