Integrating Artificial Intelligence in Library Management: An Emerging Trend

Integrating Artificial Intelligence in Library Management: An Emerging Trend

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 14
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2782-1.ch008
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Due to technological advances in artificial intelligence (AI), the public and academic library community are interested in using it. Since this technology is still being researched and has not yet been made available to the public, there is a unique opportunity to study a representative sample of librarians using the diffusion of innovations model and their views on artificial intelligence. There is no scientific library and information science (LIS) publication that covers this breadth yet. Such an analysis might provide light on innovation diffusion theory and academic library personnel' views on AI in general. This research may be valuable for technologically oriented academic library administrators and personnel who want to promote artificial intelligence technologies in their libraries.
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Library management is a field of institutional management that addresses library and practitioner issues. Library management includes intellectual freedom, fundraising, and normal managerial duties. Libraries are service-oriented organisations that have been revolutionised by modern information technology (ITs). Librarians have changed their service delivery, philosophy, and practise to meet patron requirements. AI and other new technologies have changed teaching and learning attitudes, therefore the latest digital technology-driven service innovation fosters a new teaching and research paradigm. Public health and creativity may be affected by AI. Libraries can ethically use AI technologies to achieve their social aim with proper planning and ethical concerns. Libraries have long provided information and resources. The growth of information is astonishing. User needs are also evolving fast. They can now learn differently. Library and information professionals are using new methods and technology to improve patron services as information structure and delivery improve. To service consumers, libraries are using AI, ML (Tripathi, M. A., et al., 2023), IoT, deep learning, neural networks, natural language processing, expert systems, and more (Manoharan, G., et al., 2023) Library operations are changing. For sustainability, libraries must use innovative technologies and approaches to serve people. To impress users, a library's sources and services must be creative. Young AI applications in libraries. Library workers have always been eager to use and develop new technologies for libraries, even though it is difficult. Professionals are developing and using AI in libraries for society.

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