Integrating 5G and IoT Technologies in Developing Smart City Communication Networks

Integrating 5G and IoT Technologies in Developing Smart City Communication Networks

Nagamani Molakatala, Anil Kumar D., Uma Patil, Pratik J. Mhatre, M. Sambathkumar, S. Boopathi
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 24
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-3402-7.ch006
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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The chapter highlights the rising demand for effective, scalable, and networked systems as it addresses the integration of 5G and IoT technologies in smart cities. 5G networks provide huge connection, speed, and low latency, and IoT devices allow real-time data gathering and analysis. Enhancing connection, managing resources better, and raising the standard of living for locals are all possible with this synergy. Real-time data transfer, quick decision-making, and the optimization of energy distribution, transportation systems, waste management, and public services are just a few of the advantages of 5G and IoT integration that are highlighted in this chapter. But it also tackles issues like cybersecurity threats, infrastructure needs, privacy issues, and legal frameworks. In order to build inclusive, resilient, and sustainable cities, the chapter highlights the necessity of cooperation between stakeholders, technology companies, and governmental organizations.
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